В настоящее время я разрабатываю макет системы бронирования клиентов для кинотеатра с использованием Framework 4.0. Все данные в настоящее время будут храниться в массиве, и, поскольку это макет, они останутся их (имя клиента, цена билета и т. Д.), Поскольку нет необходимости постоянно хранить данные в это время.
У меня есть форма графического интерфейса и два основных класса, MainForm.vb для обработки функций ввода-вывода приложения и SeatManager.vb для управления фоновыми методами, которые должны запускаться для работы программы. Код для каждого класса приведен ниже: -
**MainForm.vb Class**
Public Class MainForm
Private Const m_totalNumberOfSeats As Integer = 60
Private m_seatManager As SeatManager
Public Sub New()
m_seatManager = New SeatManager(m_totalNumberOfSeats)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Method called from the MainForm() method. This method is called when the form
''' is opened by the program (on initialisation).
''' </summary>
Private Sub InitializeGUI()
rbtnReservation.Checked = True 'Sets the Reserve button as being chosen
lstReservations.Items.Clear() 'Clears the list displaying all seats and reservations
txtCustomerName.Text = String.Empty 'Sets the name textbox as emtpy
txtSeatPrice.Text = String.Empty
cmbDisplayOptions.SelectedIndex = SeatManager.DisplayOptions.AllSeats
For i As Integer = 0 To m_totalNumberOfSeats - 1
End Sub
Private Function GetMyString(ByVal i As Integer) As String
If i >= 0 AndAlso i < m_totalNumberOfSeats Then
Return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", GetPaddedString(m_seatManager.MyArray(i, 0), 29), _
GetPaddedString(m_seatManager.MyArray(i, 1), 41), _
GetPaddedString(m_seatManager.MyArray(i, 2), 63), _
m_seatManager.MyArray(i, 3))
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
Private Function GetPaddedString(ByVal o As Object, ByVal length As Integer) As String
Dim s As String = String.Empty
If o IsNot Nothing Then s = o.ToString()
If s.Length > length Then s = s.Substring(0, length)
Return s.PadRight(length - s.Length)
End Function
'--Event Handler when you change the value of Customer Name/Price
' Dim index As Integer = lstBox.selectedIndex
'm_arrayClass.PopulateArray(index,customerName.text, ctype(price.text,double))
'lstBox.Items(index) = GetMyString(index)
'Private Function CheckSelectedIndex() As Boolean
' If lstReservations.SelectedIndex <= 0 Then
' Return lstReservations.SelectedIndex
' Else
' Return False
' End If
'End Function
''' <summary>
''' Method uses to verify that the user has entered text within the txtName textbox
''' </summary>
''' <param name="name">String variable passing the customer name inputted by the user</param>
''' <returns>True if validation confirms user has entered at least one character in
''' the txtName field otherwise returns False. If returns false, an error message will
''' be displayed to the user</returns>
Private Function ReadAndValidateName(ByRef name As String) As Boolean
If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomerName.Text)) Or (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomerName.Text)) Then
MessageBox.Show("You have not entered a valid customer name. Please try again", _
"Invalid Customer Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' This method calls the GetDouble() method in the InputUtility class to convert the text
''' given by the user in the txtPrice textbox.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="seatPrice">Output parameter receiving the converted value</param>
''' <returns>True if conversion is successful and validates or False. If returns False
''' an error message will be displayed to the user.</returns>
Private Function ReadAndValidatePrice(ByRef seatPrice As Double) As Boolean
If (InputUtility.GetDouble(txtSeatPrice.Text, seatPrice) And (seatPrice >= 0)) Then
Return True
MessageBox.Show("You have not entered a valid price. Please try again", _
"Invalid Price", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
Return False
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' This method calls the above two methods (validate name and validate price) and if both return true,
''' this method also returns true. If either of the above two methods are false, this method returns false
''' </summary>
''' <param name="name">Output Parameter - customer name</param>
''' <param name="seatPrice">Output parameter - seat price</param>
''' <returns>Returns true if validates and false if not</returns>
Private Function ReadAndValidateInput(ByRef name As String, ByRef seatPrice As Double) As Boolean
Dim nameResult As Boolean = ReadAndValidateName(name)
Dim priceResult As Boolean = ReadAndValidatePrice(seatPrice)
Return ((nameResult) And (priceResult))
End Function
Private Sub btnExitApplication_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExitApplication.Click
Dim msgConfirmation As Integer
msgConfirmation = MessageBox.Show("Are You Sure You Wish To Exit This Application?", "WARNING!", _
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
If msgConfirmation = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
**SeatManager.vb Class**
Public Class SeatManager
Private _array(,) As Object
Dim m_totalNumberOfSeats As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal maxNumberOfSeats As Integer)
m_totalNumberOfSeats = maxNumberOfSeats
ReDim _array(m_totalNumberOfSeats - 1, 3)
For i As Integer = 0 To m_totalNumberOfSeats - 1
PopulateArray(i, Nothing, 0.0)
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property MyArray() As Object(,)
Return _array
End Get
End Property
Public Enum DisplayOptions
End Enum
Public Sub PopulateArray(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal CustomerName As String, ByVal Price As Double)
Dim av As String = "Available"
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomerName) Then av = "Not Available"
'Did you say this has to be handled in an enum?
_array(i, 0) = i + 1 'Seat Number
_array(i, 1) = av
_array(i, 2) = CustomerName
_array(i, 3) = Price
End Sub
End Class
То, чего я сейчас хочу добиться, это то, что у меня есть текстовое поле с именем txtCustomerName и текстовое поле с именем txtPrice. Когда пользователь вводит имя и цену в эти поля и выбирает запись в списке lstReservations, я бы хотел, чтобы статус менялся с Доступно на «Зарезервировано», а Имя клиента и Цена вводились в соответствующие поля массива. .
Есть предложения? Заранее спасибо