Мое возможное решение заключалось в добавлении файла, который выполнял роль прокси-сервера для извлечения данных на neighbour.domain.com , с использованием Javascript.
Сценарий на neighbour.domain.com :
document.domain = 'domain.com'; // Important, so that both pages are considered
// the same domain. Allows us to access the
// parent object when this page is loaded in an
// iframe on the same domain.
// Returns value of URL parameter
function getURLParameter(name) { ... }
// Retrieves URL parameters that tell the proxy what to do
// The Web services operation to call
var operation = getURLParameter("operation");
// The URL path of the site (i.e. /sites/sitename)
var weburl = getURLParameter("weburl");
// The name of the list on the site
var listname = getURLParameter("listname");
// Run the requested web service operation
if (operation === "GetListItems") {
operation: operation,
listName: listname,
webURL: weburl,
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
// parent is a defined object when this page is loaded in an iframe on the
// same domain. The parent must have a 'passListItemsData' function
// defined.
// Add more operations (and recognized URL params) as needed
else if (...) {...}
Вызов скрипта на home.domain.com :
document.domain = 'domain.com'; // Important, so that both pages are considered
// the same domain. Allows the proxy page to
// access functions defined on this page.
// Create an iframe that makes a request of the proxy file using URL parameters
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.style.display = "none";
iframe.src = "neighbor.domain.com/path/proxyfile.html?operation=GetListItems&" +
document.body.appendChild(iframe); // Requests proxy page and kicks off the
// process
* Implements the passListItemsData function for the subdomain proxy. This
* handles the results of a GetListItems function on the other subdomain.
* @param data, results returned by the GetListItems Lists web service function
function passListItemsData(data) {
// Handle returned XML data from GetListItems web service