Неверное значение для свойства <travelMode>: не определено, что? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 марта 2012

Я сделал что-то (не знаю, что) с моей картой, и теперь выполняемая функция теперь выдает следующую ошибку:

Invalid value for property <travelMode>: undefined line 16 main.js

Последнее, что я сделалбыла добавлена ​​строка:


, чтобы я мог отображать детали направления в делении.Вот мой код для справки:

// This function sets-up and initiates the Google maps interface
function load_map() {

    startLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(52.485809,-1.888783);
    // create a new Google latLang marker object with co-ords for
    //the start location
    var config = {
        zoom: 5,
        center: startLatLng,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
    // create a JASON object to store map configruation

    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), config);

    // intilise the map passing the display divs id and the config
    // object

    var startMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: startLatLng,
        map: map

    // create a new marker object for start (passing anonomus JASON
    // config object)
    // Add the marker to the map
    geocodeAddress("ARM Ltd Rockingham Court 152 Rockingham Street Sheffield Great Britain");
    geocodeAddress("Centrum House 36 Station Road Egham Surrey");
    geocodeAddress("Pipers Way Swindon United Kingdom");
    // call the geocoding function to add markers to the map


 * This function loads a marker overlay on to the location provided
 * and calls the addInfoWindow function to add an info window to it
 * @param a location: google location object representing the location at which
 * the marker is to be placed
 * @param a windowText: String variable representing the information to be attached
 * to the window.

function loadMarker(location,windowText,address) {
    var tempMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: location,
        map: map,
    google.maps.event.addListener(tempMarker, 'click',function(){
    google.maps.event.addListener(tempMarker, 'dblclick',function(){

    // add an information window anchored on the marker
    // add the marker to the map at this location

 * A function to geocode the string type address passed into usable
 * lat lng type co-ords
 * @param address: a String representing the address to be geocoded

function geocodeAddress (address) {

    var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
    geocoder.geocode( {'address': address}, function(results, status) {
        if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
            loadMarker(results[0].geometry.location,"Info here",address);
        } else {
            alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " +" "+  status);

 * This function adds an info window to each marker and allows it
 * to be activated on click.
 * @Param infoText: a String representing the data to be included in the
 * info window
 * @Param marker: a Google Marker Object to attach the Text Window to.

function addInfoWindow (infoText,marker) {

    var contentString = '<div id = "windowContent">'+ 
        '<h4> Details</h4>'+'</div>'+
        '<div id ="windowContent">'
        + '</br>'
        + '<p><label for="mapsUkSaddr">Your address</label> <form action="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps" method="get" target="_blank">'
        + '<input type="text" name="saddr" id="mapsUkSaddr" value="" size="20"/>'
        + '<input type="submit" value="Get directions" />'
        +'<input type="hidden" name="daddr" value='  + '\"'+ marker.address +'\"' + '/>'
        +'<input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en" /> </p>'
        + '</form>'
        + '</div>';
    var tempInfoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
        content: contentString
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'rightclick', function() {

 * A function to resize the bounds of the map to fit selected locations

function getSelected () {

    if (markersArray.length == 0) {
        return -1;

    else {
        selectedMarkersAdds = new Array();
        for (var i = 0; i < markersArrayAdds.length; i++) {
            if ( markersArray[i].selected == "true") {
                selectedMarkersAdds.push( markersArray[i].address)
        return  selectedMarkersAdds;

function sizeMap() {
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

    for ( var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
        var tempLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(latlngArray[i]);

 * This function allow a given location to be selected as a potential
 * vist location. The location is added to the selected array to 
 * allow resizing and changes the icons colour to show selection
 * @param a marker: Google maps Marker object representing the marker to be
 * selected.

function selectLocation (marker) {

    var markerIndex = checkForMarker(marker);
    if (markerIndex == -1) {
        alert ("Marker specified in selection not found");
    else {
        markersArray[markerIndex].selected = "true";

 * Allows the specified marker to be deselected
 * @param marker: a Google Maps marker object representing the marker
 * to be deselected

function deselectLocation (marker) {

    var markerIndex = checkForMarker(marker);

    if (markerIndex == -1) {
        alert ("Marker specified in deselection not found");

    else {
        markersArray[markerIndex].selected = "false";

 * This function allows a route to be calculated to each location 
 * selected and displayed: Google maps LatLng object representing the start of the route
 * @param a endLocation: Google maps LatLng object representing the end of the route

function calculateRoot (startLocation,endLocation) {
    var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
    var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();

    var request = {
        provideRouteAlternatives: true
    directionsService.route(request, function(result, status) {
        if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {


 * This function shows the route from the chosen start location
 * to all of the avaliable placement locations 

function showSpiderView(){
    for (var i = 0; i<latlngArray.length; i++ ) {

 * This function allows the selectedLocations array to be checked 
 * to see if a fiven marker has already been selected
 * @param marker: A Google maps marker type object to be searched for
 * @return integer value of array postion if marker is found -1 otherwise 

function checkForMarker (marker) {

    if (markersArray.length !=0){
        for (var i = 0; i < markersArray.length; i++ ) {
            if (marker.address == markersArray[i].address){
                return i
    else {
        return -1;

 * Display only placement locations that have been selected by the
 * user

function showOnlySelected () {
    if (markersArray.length != 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < markersArray.length; i ++ ) {
            if (markersArray[i].selected == "true") {

    else {
        alert ("No locations are avaliable to show");
 * A function to allow all placement locations to be displayed
function showAll () {
    if (markersArray != 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < markersArray.length; i ++) {
    else  {
        alert ("No markers found to display")

 * A function to allow all markers to be cleared from the screen
function clearMarkers () {
    if (markersArray.length != 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < markersArray.length; i ++) {
    else {
        alert ("No markers avaliable to clear");

// initilise all the page components by calling there load functions
function init () {

Казалось, что работал прошлой ночью, но я должен был что-то изменить, прежде чем я перестал работать.(который научит меня не кодировать в 2 часа ночи :-)) Может кто-нибудь из вас, хорошие люди, пролить свет?

Как запрашиваемая строка 16 гласит:

J.toSpan=function(){return new P(this.$[Ta]()?0:this.$.d-this.$.b,ge(this.ba),i)};na(J,function(){return this.$[Ta]()||this.ba[Ta]()});function je(a,b){return function(c){if(!b)for(var d in c)a[d]||aa(ia("Unknown property <"+(d+">")));var e;for(d in a)try{var f=c[d];if(!a[d](f)){e="Invalid value for property <"+(d+(">: "+f));break}}catch(g){e="Error in property <"+(d+(">: ("+(g[dc]+")")));break}e&&aa(ia(e));return i}}function ke(a){return a==j}function le(a){try{return!!a.cloneNode}catch(b){return k}}function me(a,b){var c=Kd(b)?b:i;return function(b){return b==j&&c||b instanceof a}}

Я пытался понять, что это значит, но не могу сделать большую часть этого, думаю, что это может иметь какое-то отношение к объекту запроса JSON, но яя не уверен

1 Ответ

3 голосов
/ 06 марта 2012

Ваш запрос

var request = {
    provideRouteAlternatives: true

также должен указывать travelMode, например,

    travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING


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