Альтернативой возврату новой строки является определение собственной функции, которая эмулирует встроенную функцию input
, повторяя и добавляя каждое нажатие клавиши в переменную response
, за исключением Enter (которая будет возвращать ответ ), а также обрабатывает Backspace , Del , Home , End , клавиши со стрелками, историю строк, KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, SIGTSTP и вставку из буфера обмена. Это очень просто.
Обратите внимание, что в Windows вам необходимо установить pyreadline
, если вы хотите использовать историю строк с клавишами со стрелками, как в обычной функции input
, хотя она неполная, поэтому функциональность по-прежнему не совсем верна. Кроме того, если вы не используете Windows 10 v1511 или выше, вам нужно установить модуль colorama
(если вы работаете в Linux или macOS, ничего не нужно делать).
Кроме того, из-за msvcrt.getwch
, использующего '\ xe0' для обозначения специальных символов, вы не сможете набирать 'à'. Вы должны быть в состоянии вставить это все же.
Ниже приведен код, который делает эту работу на обновленных системах Windows 10 (по крайней мере v1511), дистрибутивах Linux на основе Debian и, возможно, macOS и других * операционных системах NIX. Он также должен работать независимо от того, установлен ли в Windows pyreadline
, хотя некоторые функции будут отсутствовать.
In windows_specific.py
"""Windows-specific functions and variables for input_no_newline."""
import ctypes
from msvcrt import getwch # pylint: disable=import-error, unused-import
from shared_stuff import ANSI
import colorama # pylint: disable=import-error
except ImportError:
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
# Enable ANSI support to move the text cursor
kernel32.SetConsoleMode(kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11), 7)
def get_clipboard_data():
"""Return string previously copied from Windows clipboard.
Adapted from <http://stackoverflow.com/a/23285159/6379747>.
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
if user32.IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT):
data = user32.GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT)
data_locked = kernel32.GlobalLock(data)
text = ctypes.c_char_p(data_locked)
return text.value
def sigtstp():
"""Raise EOFError from Ctrl-Z since SIGTSTP doesn't exist on Windows."""
raise EOFError
input_code = {
'CSI': [['\xe0', '\x00'], ''],
'up': 'H',
'down': 'P',
'right': 'M',
'left': 'K',
'end': 'O',
'home': 'G',
'backspace': '\b',
'del': 'S',
В unix_specific.py
"""Functions and variables for Debian-based Linux distros and macOS."""
import sys
import os
import tty
import signal
import termios
from shared_stuff import ANSI
def getwch():
"""Return a single character from user input without echoing.
ActiveState code, adapted from
<http://code.activestate.com/recipes/134892> by Danny Yoo under
the Python Software Foundation license.
file_descriptor = sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(file_descriptor)
char = sys.stdin.read(1)
termios.tcsetattr(file_descriptor, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
return char
def get_clipboard_data():
"""Return nothing; *NIX systems automagically change sys.stdin."""
return ''
def sigtstp():
"""Suspend the script."""
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTSTP)
input_code = {
'CSI': ['\x1b', '['],
'backspace': '\x7f',
'del': ['3', '~'],
В readline_available.py
"""Provide functions for up and down arrows if readline is installed.
Basically to prevent duplicate code and make it work on systems without
import readline
except ImportError:
import pyreadline as readline
from shared_stuff import move_cursor
def init_history_index():
"""Return index for last element of readline.get_history_item."""
# readline.get_history_item is one-based
return readline.get_current_history_length() + 1
def restore_history(history_index, replaced, cursor_position):
"""Replace 'replaced' with history and return the replacement."""
replacement = readline.get_history_item(history_index)
except IndexError:
replacement = None
if replacement is not None:
move_cursor('right', len(replaced) - cursor_position)
print('\b \b' * len(replaced), end='', flush=True)
print(replacement, end='', flush=True)
return replacement
return replaced
def store_and_replace_history(history_index, replacement, old_history):
"""Store history and then replace it."""
old_history[history_index] = readline.get_history_item(history_index)
readline.replace_history_item(history_index - 1, replacement)
except AttributeError:
# pyreadline is incomplete
def handle_prev_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Handle some up-arrow logic."""
history = readline.get_history_item(history_index - 1)
except IndexError:
history = None
if history is not None:
if history_index > readline.get_current_history_length():
input_replaced = True
history_index, replaced, old_history)
history_modified = True
history_index -= 1
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def handle_next_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Handle some down-arrow logic."""
history = readline.get_history_item(history_index + 1)
except IndexError:
history = None
if history is not None:
store_and_replace_history(history_index, replaced, old_history)
history_modified = True
history_index += 1
input_replaced = (not history_index
== readline.get_current_history_length())
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def finalise_history(history_index, response, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Change history before the response will be returned elsewhere."""
if input_replaced:
readline.remove_history_item(history_index - 1)
elif history_modified:
readline.remove_history_item(history_index - 1)
readline.add_history(old_history[history_index - 1])
except AttributeError:
# pyreadline is also missing remove_history_item
В readline_unavailable.py
"""Provide dummy functions for if readline isn't available."""
# pylint: disable-msg=unused-argument
def init_history_index():
"""Return an index of 1 which probably won't ever change."""
return 1
def restore_history(history_index, replaced, cursor_position):
"""Return the replaced thing without replacing it."""
return replaced
def store_and_replace_history(history_index, replacement, old_history):
"""Don't store history."""
def handle_prev_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Return 'input_replaced' and 'history_modified' without change."""
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def handle_next_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Also return 'input_replaced' and 'history_modified'."""
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def finalise_history(history_index, response, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Don't change nonexistent history."""
В shared_stuff.py
"""Provide platform-independent functions and variables."""
ANSI = {
'CSI': '\x1b[',
'up': 'A',
'down': 'B',
'right': 'C',
'left': 'D',
'end': 'F',
'home': 'H',
'enter': '\r',
'^C': '\x03',
'^D': '\x04',
'^V': '\x16',
'^Z': '\x1a',
def move_cursor(direction, count=1):
"""Move the text cursor 'count' times in the specified direction."""
if direction not in ['up', 'down', 'right', 'left']:
raise ValueError("direction should be either 'up', 'down', 'right' "
"or 'left'")
# A 'count' of zero still moves the cursor, so this needs to be
# tested for.
if count != 0:
print(ANSI['CSI'] + str(count) + ANSI[direction], end='', flush=True)
def line_insert(text, extra=''):
"""Insert text between terminal line and reposition cursor."""
if not extra:
# It's not guaranteed that the new line will completely overshadow
# the old one if there is no extra. Maybe something was 'deleted'?
move_cursor('right', len(text) + 1)
print('\b \b' * (len(text)+1), end='', flush=True)
print(extra + text, end='', flush=True)
move_cursor('left', len(text))
И, наконец, в input_no_newline.py
"""Provide an input function that doesn't echo a newline."""
from windows_specific import getwch, get_clipboard_data, sigtstp, input_code
except ImportError:
from unix_specific import getwch, get_clipboard_data, sigtstp, input_code
from readline_available import (init_history_index, restore_history,
handle_prev_history, handle_next_history,
except ImportError:
from readline_unavailable import (init_history_index, restore_history,
handle_prev_history, handle_next_history,
from shared_stuff import ANSI, move_cursor, line_insert
def input_no_newline(prompt=''): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
"""Echo and return user input, except for the newline."""
print(prompt, end='', flush=True)
response = ''
position = 0
history_index = init_history_index()
input_replaced = False
history_modified = False
replacements = {}
while True:
char = getwch()
if char in input_code['CSI'][0]:
char = getwch()
# Relevant input codes are made of two to four characters
if char == input_code['CSI'][1]:
# *NIX uses at least three characters, only the third is
# important
char = getwch()
if char == input_code['up']:
(history_index, input_replaced, history_modified) = (
history_index, response, replacements, input_replaced,
response = restore_history(history_index, response, position)
position = len(response)
elif char == input_code['down']:
(history_index, input_replaced, history_modified) = (
history_index, response, replacements, input_replaced,
response = restore_history(history_index, response, position)
position = len(response)
elif char == input_code['right'] and position < len(response):
position += 1
elif char == input_code['left'] and position > 0:
position -= 1
elif char == input_code['end']:
move_cursor('right', len(response) - position)
position = len(response)
elif char == input_code['home']:
move_cursor('left', position)
position = 0
elif char == input_code['del'][0]:
if ''.join(input_code['del']) == '3~':
# *NIX uses '\x1b[3~' as its del key code, but only
# '\x1b[3' has currently been read from sys.stdin
backlog = response[position+1 :]
response = response[:position] + backlog
elif char == input_code['backspace']:
if position > 0:
backlog = response[position:]
response = response[: position-1] + backlog
print('\b', end='', flush=True)
position -= 1
elif char == input_code['^C']:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
elif char == input_code['^D']:
raise EOFError
elif char == input_code['^V']:
paste = get_clipboard_data()
backlog = response[position:]
response = response[:position] + paste + backlog
position += len(paste)
line_insert(backlog, extra=paste)
elif char == input_code['^Z']:
elif char == input_code['enter']:
finalise_history(history_index, response, replacements,
input_replaced, history_modified)
move_cursor('right', len(response) - position)
return response
backlog = response[position:]
response = response[:position] + char + backlog
position += 1
line_insert(backlog, extra=char)
def main():
"""Called if script isn't imported."""
# "print(text, end='')" is equivalent to "print text,", and 'flush'
# forces the text to appear, even if the line isn't terminated with
# a '\n'
print('Hello, ', end='', flush=True)
name = input_no_newline() # pylint: disable=unused-variable
print(', how do you do?')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Как видите, это не так уж много работы, так как вам нужно иметь дело с различными операционными системами и в основном переопределять встроенную функцию в Python, а не C. Я бы порекомендовал вам просто использовать Более простой TempHistory
класс, который я сделал в другом ответе, который оставляет всю сложную обработку логики встроенной функции.