Я пытаюсь установить virtual-python на сервере Linux, который не имеет root-доступа.Я прочитал руководство по разработке PEAK для пользовательской установки, но до сих пор не могу понять, что я делаю неправильно.
Вот мои настройки:
создал .pythdisutils.cfg
install_lib = /home2/me/lib
install_scripts = /home2/me/bin
Python env path в .bashrc:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:~/lib/"
виртуальный питон установлен в:
Я пробовал эти коды, но не удалось:
sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.4.egg
sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.4.egg --prefix=~
ошибка, которую я получаю:
TEST FAILED: /home2/me/lib/ does NOT support .pth files
error: bad install directory or PYTHONPATH
You are attempting to install a package to a directory that is not
on PYTHONPATH and which Python does not read ".pth" files from. The
installation directory you specified (via --install-dir, --prefix, or
the distutils default setting) was:
and your PYTHONPATH environment variable currently contains:
Here are some of your options for correcting the problem:
* You can choose a different installation directory, i.e., one that is
on PYTHONPATH or supports .pth files
* You can add the installation directory to the PYTHONPATH environment
variable. (It must then also be on PYTHONPATH whenever you run
Python and want to use the package(s) you are installing.)
* You can set up the installation directory to support ".pth" files by
using one of the approaches described here:
Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again.