Я получаю эту ошибку:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Это мой супер грязный код в моем файле update.js.erb, который дает мне ошибку:
$(".comments_div").html("<% @video.comment_titles.each do |comment_title| %> \
<div class ="comment_column_<%=
case @video.comment_titles.count
when 1
when 2
when 3
%>"> \
<% unless @video.comment_titles.count == 0 %> \
<div id = "comment_title_<%= comment_title.id %>" class="comment_title"> \
<%= comment_title.title %> \
<%= link_to "x", comment_title_path(comment_title.id), :method => :delete, :remote => true, :class => 'comment_title_delete' %> \
</div> \
<% comment_title.comments.each do |comment| %> \
<div class='comment_content'> \
<%= link_to image_tag(comment.user.profile.photo.url(:tiny)), profile_path(comment.user.profile), :class => "comment_image" %> \
<div class='textual_comment_content'> \
<div class='comment_text'> \
<span class="name_link"> \
<%= link_to "#{comment.user.name}", profile_path(comment.user.profile), :class => 'normal' %> \
</span> \
<%= comment.body %> \
</div> \
<span class='comment_footer'> \
<ul> \
<li class='list_style'><%= time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at) %> ago</li> \
<% unless current_user != comment.user %> \
<li><%= link_to "Delete", video_comment_path(:video_id => @video, :id => comment), :method => :delete, :class => 'normal' %></li> \
<% end %> \
</ul> \
</span> \
</div> \
</div> \
<% end %> \
</div> \
<% end %> \
<% end %>");
Это то, чтобраузер видит:
$(".comments_div").html(" \
<div class ="comment_column_medium"> \
<div id = "comment_title_39" class="comment_title"> \
Do you like this song? \
<a href="/comment_titles/39" class="comment_title_delete" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow">x</a> \
</div> \
<div class='comment_content'> \
<a href="/profiles/45" class="comment_image"><img alt="Justin meltzer" src="/system/photos/45/tiny/Justin Meltzer.jpeg?1302075215" /></a> \
<div class='textual_comment_content'> \
<div class='comment_text'> \
<span class="name_link"> \
<a href="/profiles/45" class="normal">Justin Meltzer</a> \
</span> \
Ok so this is what I think about this song: You need to switch back to your roots. You started as a rapper, and you need to remain a rapper. I respect you for your initiative to improve your flexibility but please stick to your roots. That's what makes you truly great. \
</div> \
<span class='comment_footer'> \
<ul> \
<li class='list_style'>about 17 hours ago</li> \
<li><a href="/videos/485/comments/22" class="normal" data-method="delete" rel="nofollow">Delete</a></li> \
</ul> \
</span> \
</div> \
</div> \
</div> \
<div class ="comment_column_medium"> \
<div id = "comment_title_71" class="comment_title"> \
ascasc sc \
<a href="/comment_titles/71" class="comment_title_delete" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow">x</a> \
</div> \
</div> \
$(".comments_div").html('<% @video.comment_titles.each do |comment_title| %> \
<div class ="comment_column_<%=
case @video.comment_titles.count
when 1
when 2
when 3
%>"> \
<% unless @video.comment_titles.count == 0 %> \
<div id = "comment_title_<%= comment_title.id %>" class="comment_title"> \
<%= comment_title.title %> \
<%= link_to "x", comment_title_path(comment_title.id), :method => :delete, :remote => true, :class => "comment_title_delete" %> \
</div> \
<% comment_title.comments.each do |comment| %> \
<div class="comment_content"> \
<%= link_to image_tag(comment.user.profile.photo.url(:tiny)), profile_path(comment.user.profile), :class => "comment_image" %> \
<div class="textual_comment_content"> \
<div class="comment_text"> \
<span class="name_link"> \
<%= link_to "#{comment.user.name}", profile_path(comment.user.profile), :class => "normal" %> \
</span> \
<%= comment.body %> \
</div> \
<span class="comment_footer"> \
<ul> \
<li class="list_style"><%= time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at) %> ago</li> \
<% unless current_user != comment.user %> \
<li><%= link_to "Delete", video_comment_path(:video_id => @video, :id => comment), :method => :delete, :class => "normal" %></li> \
<% end %> \
</ul> \
</span> \
</div> \
</div> \
<% end %> \
</div> \
<% end %> \
<% end %>');
$(".comments_div").html(' \
<div class ="comment_column_narrow"> \
<div id = "comment_title_39" class="comment_title"> \
Do you like this song? \
<a href="/comment_titles/39" class="comment_title_delete" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow">x</a> \
</div> \
<div class="comment_content"> \
<a href="/profiles/45" class="comment_image"><img alt="Justin meltzer" src="/system/photos/45/tiny/Justin Meltzer.jpeg?1302075215" /></a> \
<div class="textual_comment_content"> \
<div class="comment_text"> \
<span class="name_link"> \
<a href="/profiles/45" class="normal">Justin Meltzer</a> \
</span> \
Ok so this is what I think about this song: You need to switch back to your roots. You started as a rapper, and you need to remain a rapper. I respect you for your initiative to improve your flexibility but please stick to your roots. That's what makes you truly great. \
</div> \
<span class="comment_footer"> \
<ul> \
<li class="list_style">about 18 hours ago</li> \
<li><a href="/videos/485/comments/22" class="normal" data-method="delete" rel="nofollow">Delete</a></li> \
</ul> \
</span> \
</div> \
</div> \
</div> \
<div class ="comment_column_narrow"> \
<div id = "comment_title_72" class="comment_title"> \
sacscas \
<a href="/comment_titles/72" class="comment_title_delete" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow">x</a> \
</div> \
</div> \
<div class ="comment_column_narrow"> \
<div id = "comment_title_73" class="comment_title"> \
scascas \
<a href="/comment_titles/73" class="comment_title_delete" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow">x</a> \
</div> \
</div> \