Разбор JSON в NSString для Twitter - PullRequest

Разбор JSON в NSString для Twitter

0 голосов
/ 28 февраля 2012

У меня есть твиттер-фид, содержащий 12 фидов, поступающих в NSArray, из которого я извлекаю первый твит в строку NSString.

(void)statusesReceived:(NSArray *)statuses forRequest:(NSString *)connectionIdentifier 
   NSString *status = [statuses objectAtIndex:0];
    NSLog(@"%@", status);   

Мой твиттер введен в формате JSON, и из этого я хочу получить только сообщение о состоянии, помеченное как «текст», и имя пользователя, помеченное как «имя».Твиттер выглядит так:

    contributors = "";
    coordinates = "";
    "created_at" = "Mon Feb 27 23:12:09 +0000 2012";
    favorited = false;
    geo = "";
    "in_reply_to_screen_name" = "";
    "in_reply_to_status_id" = "";
    "in_reply_to_user_id" = "";
    place = "";
    "possibly_sensitive" = false;
    "retweet_count" = 23;
    retweeted = false;
    source = "<a href=\"http://www.hootsuite.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">HootSuite</a>";
    "source_api_request_type" = 1;
    text = "Check out the best on-court chatter from the @NBAAllStar Game, including Dwight challenging Kobe. http://tq.com/nIIzKNGc";
    truncated = 0;
    user =     {
        "contributors_enabled" = true;
        "created_at" = "Mon Feb 02 19:04:42 +0000 2009";
        "default_profile" = false;
        "default_profile_image" = false;
        description = "News and notes directly from the NBA.";
        "favourites_count" = 15;
        "follow_request_sent" = false;
        "followers_count" = 4193000;
        following = 1;
        "friends_count" = 963;
        "geo_enabled" = false;
        id = 19923144;
        "is_translator" = false;
        lang = en;
        "listed_count" = 26799;
        location = "New York, NY";
        name = NBA;
        notifications = false;
        "profile_background_color" = B2DFDA;
        "profile_background_image_url" = "http://a0.twimg.com/profile_background_images/435033246/12twitter_0226.jpg";
        "profile_background_image_url_https" = "https://si0.twimg.com/profile_background_images/435033246/12twitter_0226.jpg";
        "profile_background_tile" = false;
        "profile_image_url" = "http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1787324427/National-Basketball-Association_normal.jpg";
        "profile_image_url_https" = "https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/1787324427/National-Basketball-Association_normal.jpg";
        "profile_link_color" = 93A644;
        "profile_sidebar_border_color" = eeeeee;
        "profile_sidebar_fill_color" = ffffff;
        "profile_text_color" = 333333;
        "profile_use_background_image" = true;
        protected = 0;
        "screen_name" = NBA;
        "show_all_inline_media" = true;
        "statuses_count" = 24335;
        "time_zone" = "Eastern Time (US & Canada)";
        url = "http://www.nba.com";
        "utc_offset" = "-18000";
        verified = true;