РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Хорошо, у меня есть код.Ну, довольно много кода.Он позволяет сканировать заголовки пакетов в прямом и обратном направлении.
Я не гарантирую, что в нем нет ошибок, и вы определенно хотите настроить размер буфера, чтобы посмотреть, как он работает ... но с учетом того же файлавы послали мне, он по крайней мере показывает те же местоположения заголовка пакета при сканировании вперед и назад:)
Перед кодом, я все равно предложил бы, что если вы возможно можете, сканирование через файлОдин раз и сохранение индекса информации о пакете для последующего использования, вероятно, будет лучшим подходом.
В любом случае, вот код (в комплекте с нет тестов , кроме примера программы):
using System;
namespace Chapter10Reader
public sealed class PacketHeader
private readonly long filePosition;
private readonly ushort channelId;
private readonly uint packetLength;
private readonly uint dataLength;
private readonly byte dataTypeVersion;
private readonly byte sequenceNumber;
private readonly byte packetFlags;
private readonly byte dataType;
private readonly ulong relativeTimeCounter;
public long FilePosition { get { return filePosition; } }
public ushort ChannelId { get { return channelId; } }
public uint PacketLength { get { return packetLength; } }
public uint DataLength { get { return dataLength; } }
public byte DataTypeVersion { get { return dataTypeVersion; } }
public byte SequenceNumber { get { return sequenceNumber; } }
public byte PacketFlags { get { return packetFlags; } }
public byte DataType { get { return dataType; } }
public ulong RelativeTimeCounter { get { return relativeTimeCounter; } }
public PacketHeader(ushort channelId, uint packetLength, uint dataLength, byte dataTypeVersion,
byte sequenceNumber, byte packetFlags, byte dataType, ulong relativeTimeCounter, long filePosition)
this.channelId = channelId;
this.packetLength = packetLength;
this.dataLength = dataLength;
this.dataTypeVersion = dataTypeVersion;
this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
this.packetFlags = packetFlags;
this.dataType = dataType;
this.relativeTimeCounter = relativeTimeCounter;
this.filePosition = filePosition;
internal static PacketHeader Parse(byte[] data, int index, long filePosition)
if (index + 24 > data.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Packet header must be 24 bytes long; not enough data");
ushort syncPattern = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + 0);
if (syncPattern != 0xeb25)
throw new ArgumentException("Packet header must start with the sync pattern");
ushort channelId = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + 2);
uint packetLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, index + 4);
uint dataLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, index + 8);
byte dataTypeVersion = data[index + 12];
byte sequenceNumber = data[index + 13];
byte packetFlags = data[index + 14];
byte dataType = data[index + 15];
// TODO: Validate this...
ulong relativeTimeCounter =
(ulong)BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, index + 16) +
((ulong)BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + 20)) << 32;
// Assume we've already validated the checksum...
return new PacketHeader(channelId, packetLength, dataLength, dataTypeVersion, sequenceNumber,
packetFlags, dataType, relativeTimeCounter, filePosition);
/// <summary>
/// Checks a packet header's checksum to see whether this *looks* like a packet header.
/// </summary>
internal static bool CheckPacketHeaderChecksum(byte[] data, int index)
if (index + 24 > data.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Packet header must is 24 bytes long; not enough data");
ushort computed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
computed += BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + i * 2);
return computed == BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + 22);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
namespace Chapter10Reader
public sealed class PacketScanner : IDisposable
// 128K buffer... tweak this.
private const int BufferSize = 1024 * 128;
/// <summary>
/// Where in the file does the buffer start?
/// </summary>
private long bufferStart;
/// <summary>
/// Where in the file does the buffer end (exclusive)?
/// </summary>
private long bufferEnd;
/// <summary>
/// Where are we in the file, logically?
/// </summary>
private long logicalPosition;
// Probably cached by FileStream, but we use it a lot, so let's
// not risk it...
private readonly long fileLength;
private readonly FileStream stream;
private readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
private PacketScanner(FileStream stream)
this.stream = stream;
this.fileLength = stream.Length;
public void MoveToEnd()
logicalPosition = fileLength;
bufferStart = -1; // Invalidate buffer
bufferEnd = -1;
public void MoveToBeforeStart()
logicalPosition = -1;
bufferStart = -1;
bufferEnd = -1;
private byte this[long position]
if (position < bufferStart || position >= bufferEnd)
return buffer[position - bufferStart];
/// <summary>
/// Fill the buffer to include the given position.
/// If the position is earlier than the buffer, assume we're reading backwards
/// and make position one before the end of the buffer.
/// If the position is later than the buffer, assume we're reading forwards
/// and make position the start of the buffer.
/// If the buffer is invalid, make position the start of the buffer.
/// </summary>
private void FillBuffer(long position)
long newStart;
if (position > bufferStart)
newStart = position;
// Keep position *and position + 1* to avoid swapping back and forth too much
newStart = Math.Max(0, position - buffer.Length + 2);
// Make position the start of the buffer.
int bytesRead;
int index = 0;
stream.Position = newStart;
while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, index, buffer.Length - index)) > 0)
index += bytesRead;
bufferStart = newStart;
bufferEnd = bufferStart + index;
/// <summary>
/// Make sure the buffer contains the given positions.
/// </summary>
private void FillBuffer(long start, long end)
if (end - start > buffer.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Buffer not big enough!");
if (end > fileLength)
throw new ArgumentException("Beyond end of file");
// Nothing to do.
if (start >= bufferStart && end < bufferEnd)
// TODO: Optimize this more to use whatever bits we've actually got.
// (We're optimized for "we've got the start, get the end" but not the other way round.)
if (start >= bufferStart)
// We've got the start, but not the end. Just shift things enough and read the end...
int shiftAmount = (int) (end - bufferEnd);
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, shiftAmount, buffer, 0, (int) (bufferEnd - bufferStart - shiftAmount));
stream.Position = bufferEnd;
int bytesRead;
int index = (int)(bufferEnd - bufferStart - shiftAmount);
while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, index, buffer.Length - index)) > 0)
index += bytesRead;
bufferStart += shiftAmount;
bufferEnd = bufferStart + index;
// Just fill the buffer starting from start...
bufferStart = -1;
bufferEnd = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the header of the next packet, or null
/// if we've reached the end of the file.
/// </summary>
public PacketHeader NextHeader()
for (long tryPosition = logicalPosition + 1; tryPosition < fileLength - 23; tryPosition++)
if (this[tryPosition] == 0x25 && this[tryPosition + 1] == 0xEB)
FillBuffer(tryPosition, tryPosition + 24);
int bufferPosition = (int) (tryPosition - bufferStart);
if (PacketHeader.CheckPacketHeaderChecksum(buffer, bufferPosition))
logicalPosition = tryPosition;
return PacketHeader.Parse(buffer, bufferPosition, tryPosition);
logicalPosition = fileLength;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the header of the previous packet, or null
/// if we've reached the start of the file.
/// </summary>
public PacketHeader PreviousHeader()
for (long tryPosition = logicalPosition - 1; tryPosition >= 0; tryPosition--)
if (this[tryPosition + 1] == 0xEB && this[tryPosition] == 0x25)
FillBuffer(tryPosition, tryPosition + 24);
int bufferPosition = (int)(tryPosition - bufferStart);
if (PacketHeader.CheckPacketHeaderChecksum(buffer, bufferPosition))
logicalPosition = tryPosition;
return PacketHeader.Parse(buffer, bufferPosition, tryPosition);
logicalPosition = -1;
return null;
public static PacketScanner OpenFile(string filename)
return new PacketScanner(File.OpenRead(filename));
public void Dispose()
Program.cs (для тестирования):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Chapter10Reader
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string filename = "test.ch10";
List<long> positionsForward = new List<long>();
using (PacketScanner scanner = PacketScanner.OpenFile(filename))
PacketHeader header;
while ((header = scanner.NextHeader()) != null)
Console.WriteLine("Found header at {0}", header.FilePosition);
List<long> positionsBackward = new List<long>();
using (PacketScanner scanner = PacketScanner.OpenFile(filename))
PacketHeader header;
while ((header = scanner.PreviousHeader()) != null)
foreach (var position in positionsBackward)
Console.WriteLine("Found header at {0}", position);
Console.WriteLine("Same? {0}", positionsForward.SequenceEqual(positionsBackward));