Это может вам помочь.Первый пример объясняет, как вставка должна работать со ссылками на существующие данные.Этот пример кода должен дать вам достаточно советов, чтобы помочь вам решить вашу проблему:
AdventureWorksDataContext db = new AdventureWorksDataContext();
// LINQ query to get StateProvince
StateProvince state = (from states in db.StateProvinces
where states.CountryRegionCode == "AU" && states.StateProvinceCode == "NSW"
select states).FirstOrDefault();
// LINQ function to get AddressType
AddressType addrType = db.AddressTypes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "Home");
Customer newCustomer = new Customer()
ModifiedDate= DateTime.Now,
AccountNumber= "AW12354",
rowguid= Guid.NewGuid(),
TerritoryID= state.TerritoryID // Relate record by Keys
Contact newContact = new Contact()
Title = "Mr",
FirstName = "New",
LastName = "Contact",
EmailAddress = "newContact@company.com",
Phone = "(12) 3456789",
PasswordHash= "xxx",
PasswordSalt= "xxx",
rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(),
ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now
Individual newInd = new Individual()
Contact= newContact, // Relate records by objects (we dont actually know the Keys for the new records yet)
Customer= newCustomer,
ModifiedDate= DateTime.Now
Address newAddress = new Address()
AddressLine1= "12 First St",
City= "Sydney",
PostalCode= "2000",
StateProvince= state,
rowguid = Guid.NewGuid()
// Link our customer with their address via a new CustomerAddress record
newCustomer.CustomerAddresses.Add(new CustomerAddress() { Address = newAddress, Customer = newCustomer, AddressType = addrType, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, rowguid = Guid.NewGuid() });
// Save changes to the database