CodeIgniter + Google Maps API V3 + закрыть InfoWindow () - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 26 ноября 2011

У каждого есть идея, как сделать так, чтобы библиотека CodeIgniter Google Maps API v3 позволяла открывать только одно информационное окно, а также скрывала его окно при щелчке за пределами информационного окна.

Библиотека: / 2010/08/03 / google-map-library-for-codeigniter-пример-использования-обновления /

Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 20 декабря 2011

В итоге я использовал сторонний плагин под названием infoBubbles.js для создания некоторых пользовательских информационных окон.Вместо генерации infoBubble для каждого маркера я создаю переменную и передаю содержимое infoBubbles через google.maps.marker();.Затем я сохранил маркеры в массиве, и при щелчке он прошел бы по массиву и отобразил пузырь.

Вот полный код:

 * infoBubble Variable
 * This variable is globally defined for defaults that are loaded.
var infoBubble = null;
 * array of all of the markers that are on the map
 * @type {Array}
 * @author Mike DeVita
 * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA
 * @category map_Js
var markersArray = [];
 * array of all of the sidebar items for all of the markers on the map
 * @type {Array}
 * @author Mike DeVita
 * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA
 * @category map_Js
var sidebarHtmlArray = [];

 * setPoints(locations)
 * sets the marker, infoBubble and sidebarItem based on the locations 
 * that were returned from the JSON query.
 * @param {array} locations array of all of the points, and their settings/html
 * @author Mike DeVita
 * @author Google Maps API
 * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA
 * @category map_js
function setPoints(locations){
    infoBubble = new InfoBubble({ 
        map: map, 
        content: 'placeholder', 
        disableAutoPan: false, 
        hideCloseButton: false, 
        arrowPosition: 30, 
        arrowStyle: 0

    for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
        /** @type {array} reassigns locations array to be point, isolates it to the setPoints() function */
        var point = locations;
        /** @type {google} generates Googles API form of the lat lng passed from var point */
        var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(point[i].lat, point[i].lng);

         * marker variable, stores all of the information pertaining to a specific marker
         * this variable creates the marker, places it on the map and then also sets some
         * custom options for the infoBubbles.
         * @type {google}
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: myLatLng,
            map: map,
            animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
            icon: point[i].marker_icon,
            infoBubble_html: point[i].html,
            infoBubble_minWidth: point[i].min_width,
            infoBubble_maxWidth: point[i].max_width,
            infoBubble_minHeight: point[i].min_height,
            infoBubble_maxHeight: point[i].max_height

        /** push the marker to the markersArray to delete or show the overlays */

        var sidebarItem = point[i].sidebarHtmlView;

         * add the listeners for the markerClicks and the sideBarClicks 
         * @type {google}
         * @todo eventDomListener does not work yet, this is the click listener of the sidebar item's
        google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){
  , this);

 * addmarker(location)
 * adds the marker to the map and pushes the marker
 * to the end of the markersArray
 * @param {google} location LatLng of where the marker should be put
 * @author Mike DeVita
 * @author Google API
 * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA
 * @category map_js
function addMarker(location, marker_icon){
    marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: location,
        map: map,
        animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
        icon: marker_icon

function addSidebarItem(sidebarItem, i){
        $('#map_items').append('<div id="point_'+i+'">'+sidebarItem+'</div>');


 * showOverlays()
 * display the Overlays that are in markersArray, infoBubbles, sidebarHtmlArray
 * @author Mike DeVita
 * @author Google API
 * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA
 * @category map_js
 * @todo add display of infoBUbbles
function showOverlays() {
    /** show the markers */
    if (markersArray) {
        for (i in markersArray) {
    /** show the side bar items*/
    if (sidebarHtmlArray) {
        for (i in sidebarHtmlArray) {
            var sidebarItem = sidebarHtmlArray[i];
            addSidebarItem(sidebarItem, i);

 * deleteOverlays()
 * delete all of the Overlays that are in markersArray, infoBubbles, sidebarHtmlArray
 * @author Mike DeVita
 * @author Google API
 * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA
 * @category map_js
function deleteOverlays() {
    /** if markersArray is set, remove the marker off the map, and set it to lenght 0 */
    if (markersArray) {
        for (i in markersArray) {
        markersArray.length = 0;
    /** if sidebarHtmlArray is set, set it to length 0 */
    if (sidebarHtmlArray){
        sidebarHtmlArray.length = 0;
        $('#map_items div').empty();

 * showLoading()
 * shows the loading animation for the sidebar and map points
 * this helps to notify the user that the content they are trying
 * to load is indeed loading.
 * @author Jonathan Sampson
function showLoading() {

 * hideLoading()
 * hides the loading animation for the sidebar and map points
 * this helps to notify the user that the content they are trying to load
 * has been loaded.
 * @author Jonathan Sampson
function hideLoading() {

 * JSON/AJAX Submit for Categories
 * On submit of #submit JSON query site/process controller
 * returns json encoded arrays of points and their lat/lng, html and sidebarHtml
 * @return {json_array}
 * @author Mike DeVita
 * @author Google API
 * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA
 * @category map_js

        var items = $('#categoryList').serialize();
            $.post("index/process.html", { "items": items },
                var points = data;
            }, "json");
        }, 275); 


/** load the init() function onLoad of the DOM Window */
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', init);
0 голосов
/ 26 ноября 2011

Если вы хотите, чтобы одновременно отображалось только одно информационное окно (поскольку это поведение Google Maps), вам следует создать только одно информационное окно экземпляра.

Надеюсь, это поможет
