Для тех, кто заходит в Google, сотрудник по имени Билл Милл написал модуль общественного достояния , который упрощает создание календаря с использованием reportlab, как текст этого примера.
from pdf_calendar import createCalendar
#create a December, 2005 PDF
c = createCalendar(12, 2005, filename="blog_calendar.pdf")
#now add January, 2006 to the end
createCalendar(1, 2006, canvas=c)
Есть также пример выходных данных по предоставленной мною ссылке, и, хотя он простой и спартанский, он выглядит прилично (аналогично тому, что вы получаете из таких вещей, как скрипт "make calendar" для Scribus) и станет отличной отправной точкой для будущие улучшения.
Полный код:
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Create a PDF calendar.
This script requires Python and Reportlab
( http://reportlab.org/rl_toolkit.html ). Tested only with Python 2.4 and
Reportlab 1.2.
See bottom of file for an example of usage. No command-line interface has been
added, but it would be trivial to do so. Furthermore, this script is pretty
hacky, and could use some refactoring, but it works for what it's intended
to do.
Created by Bill Mill on 11/16/05, this script is in the public domain. There
are no express warranties, so if you mess stuff up with this script, it's not
my fault.
If you have questions or comments or bugfixes or flames, please drop me a line
at bill.mill@gmail.com .
from reportlab.lib import pagesizes
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
import calendar, time, datetime
from math import floor
NOW = datetime.datetime.now()
SIZE = pagesizes.landscape(pagesizes.letter)
class NoCanvasError(Exception): pass
def nonzero(row):
return len([x for x in row if x!=0])
def createCalendar(month, year=NOW.year, canvas=None, filename=None, \
Create a one-month pdf calendar, and return the canvas
month: can be an integer (1=Jan, 12=Dec) or a month abbreviation (Jan, Feb,
year: year in which month falls. Defaults to current year.
canvas: you may pass in a canvas to add a calendar page to the end.
filename: String containing the file to write the calendar to
size: size, in points of the canvas to write on
if type(month) == type(''):
month = time.strptime(month, "%b")[1]
if canvas is None and filename is not None:
canvas = Canvas(filename, size)
elif canvas is None and filename is None:
raise NoCanvasError
monthname = time.strftime("%B", time.strptime(str(month), "%m"))
cal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
width, height = size
#draw the month title
title = monthname + ' ' + str(year)
canvas.drawCentredString(width / 2, height - 27, title)
height = height - 40
wmar, hmar = width/50, height/50
#set up constants
width, height = width - (2*wmar), height - (2*hmar)
rows, cols = len(cal), 7
lastweek = nonzero(cal[-1])
firstweek = nonzero(cal[0])
weeks = len(cal)
rowheight = floor(height / rows)
boxwidth = floor(width/7)
#draw the bottom line
canvas.line(wmar, hmar, wmar+(boxwidth*lastweek), hmar)
#now, for all complete rows, draw the bottom line
for row in range(1, len(cal[1:-1]) + 1):
y = hmar + (row * rowheight)
canvas.line(wmar, y, wmar + (boxwidth * 7), y)
#now draw the top line of the first full row
y = hmar + ((rows-1) * rowheight)
canvas.line(wmar, y, wmar + (boxwidth * 7), y)
#and, then the top line of the first row
startx = wmar + (boxwidth * (7-firstweek))
endx = startx + (boxwidth * firstweek)
y = y + rowheight
canvas.line(startx, y, endx, y)
#now draw the vert lines
for col in range(8):
#1 = don't draw line to first or last; 0 = do draw
last, first = 1, 1
if col <= lastweek: last = 0
if col >= 7 - firstweek: first = 0
x = wmar + (col * boxwidth)
starty = hmar + (last * rowheight)
endy = hmar + (rows * rowheight) - (first * rowheight)
canvas.line(x, starty, x, endy)
#now fill in the day numbers and any data
x = wmar + 6
y = hmar + (rows * rowheight) - 15
for week in cal:
for day in week:
if day:
canvas.drawString(x, y, str(day))
x = x + boxwidth
y = y - rowheight
x = wmar + 6
#finish this page
return canvas
if __name__ == "__main__":
#create a December, 2005 PDF
c = createCalendar(12, 2005, filename="blog_calendar.pdf")
#now add January, 2006 to the end
createCalendar(1, 2006, canvas=c)
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ 2017-11-25: Мне пришлось реорганизовать это для собственного использования, поэтому я решил поделиться этим здесь. Самая новая версия всегда будет в этом GitHub Gist , но ниже я включаю последнюю ревизию, прежде чем она получит зависимость от PyEphem для вычисления таких вещей, как фазы луны:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generate a printable calendar in PDF format, suitable for embedding
into another document.
Tested with Python 2.7.
- Python
- Reportlab
Resources Used:
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/37443801/435253
(Originally present at http://billmill.org/calendar )
- https://www.reportlab.com/docs/reportlab-userguide.pdf
Originally created by Bill Mill on 11/16/05, this script is in the public
domain. There are no express warranties, so if you mess stuff up with this
script, it's not my fault.
Refactored and improved 2017-11-23 by Stephan Sokolow (http://ssokolow.com/).
- Implement diagonal/overlapped cells for months which touch six weeks to avoid
wasting space on six rows.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
with_statement, unicode_literals)
__author__ = "Bill Mill; Stephan Sokolow (deitarion/SSokolow)"
__license__ = "CC0-1.0" # https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
import calendar, collections, datetime
from contextlib import contextmanager
from reportlab.lib import pagesizes
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
# Supporting languages like French should be as simple as editing this
1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd',
21: 'st', 22: 'nd', 23: 'rd',
31: 'st',
None: 'th'}
# Something to help make code more readable
Font = collections.namedtuple('Font', ['name', 'size'])
Geom = collections.namedtuple('Geom', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'])
Size = collections.namedtuple('Size', ['width', 'height'])
def save_state(canvas):
"""Simple context manager to tidy up saving and restoring canvas state"""
def add_calendar_page(canvas, rect, datetime_obj, cell_cb,
"""Create a one-month pdf calendar, and return the canvas
@param rect: A C{Geom} or 4-item iterable of floats defining the shape of
the calendar in points with any margins already applied.
@param datetime_obj: A Python C{datetime} object specifying the month
the calendar should represent.
@param cell_cb: A callback taking (canvas, day, rect, font) as arguments
which will be called to render each cell.
(C{day} will be 0 for empty cells.)
@type canvas: C{reportlab.pdfgen.canvas.Canvas}
@type rect: C{Geom}
@type cell_cb: C{function(Canvas, int, Geom, Font)}
cal = calendar.monthcalendar(datetime_obj.year, datetime_obj.month)
rect = Geom(*rect)
# set up constants
scale_factor = min(rect.width, rect.height)
line_width = scale_factor * 0.0025
font = Font('Helvetica', scale_factor * 0.028)
rows = len(cal)
# Leave room for the stroke width around the outermost cells
rect = Geom(rect.x + line_width,
rect.y + line_width,
rect.width - (line_width * 2),
rect.height - (line_width * 2))
cellsize = Size(rect.width / 7, rect.height / rows)
# now fill in the day numbers and any data
for row, week in enumerate(cal):
for col, day in enumerate(week):
# Give each call to cell_cb a known canvas state
with save_state(canvas):
# Set reasonable default drawing parameters
cell_cb(canvas, day, Geom(
x=rect.x + (cellsize.width * col),
y=rect.y + ((rows - row) * cellsize.height),
width=cellsize.width, height=cellsize.height),
font, scale_factor)
# finish this page
return canvas
def draw_cell(canvas, day, rect, font, scale_factor):
"""Draw a calendar cell with the given characteristics
@param day: The date in the range 0 to 31.
@param rect: A Geom(x, y, width, height) tuple defining the shape of the
cell in points.
@param scale_factor: A number which can be used to calculate sizes which
will remain proportional to the size of the entire calendar.
(Currently the length of the shortest side of the full calendar)
@type rect: C{Geom}
@type font: C{Font}
@type scale_factor: C{float}
# Skip drawing cells that don't correspond to a date in this month
if not day:
margin = Size(font.size * 0.5, font.size * 1.3)
# Draw the cell border
canvas.rect(rect.x, rect.y - rect.height, rect.width, rect.height)
day = str(day)
ordinal_str = ORDINALS.get(int(day), ORDINALS[None])
# Draw the number
text_x = rect.x + margin.width
text_y = rect.y - margin.height
canvas.drawString(text_x, text_y, day)
# Draw the lifted ordinal number suffix
number_width = canvas.stringWidth(day, font.name, font.size)
canvas.drawString(text_x + number_width,
text_y + (margin.height * 0.1),
def generate_pdf(datetime_obj, outfile, size, first_weekday=calendar.SUNDAY):
"""Helper to apply add_calendar_page to save a ready-to-print file to disk.
@param datetime_obj: A Python C{datetime} object specifying the month
the calendar should represent.
@param outfile: The path to which to write the PDF file.
@param size: A (width, height) tuple (specified in points) representing
the target page size.
size = Size(*size)
canvas = Canvas(outfile, size)
# margins
wmar, hmar = size.width / 50, size.height / 50
size = Size(size.width - (2 * wmar), size.height - (2 * hmar))
Geom(wmar, hmar, size.width, size.height),
datetime_obj, draw_cell, first_weekday).save()
if __name__ == "__main__":
generate_pdf(datetime.datetime.now(), 'calendar.pdf',
Реорганизованный код обладает следующими преимуществами:
- Функция рисования календаря не рисует ничего, кроме самих полей без полей, поэтому она полезна для встраивания вывода в более крупные создания.
- Код для отрисовки отдельных ячеек был преобразован в обратный вызов, который каждый раз получает только что обновленное состояние холста.
- Теперь все это хорошо задокументировано. (Правда, в разметке ePydoc я еще не запускал ePyDoc)
- Код для рисования верхних порядковых суффиксов на числах
- PEP-8-совместимый стиль кода и правильные метаданные.