Проверьте это: создание пошаговой шестнадцатеричной сетки в CreateJS
http://rishav -sharan.blogspot.fr /
var stage;
var mapHeightHexNo = 5; // Number of vertical hexes
var mapWidthHexNo = 10; // Number of horizontal hexes
var mapStartX = 60;
var mapStartY = 60;
var mapHexSize = 50;
// calculate hex width and height. We will use these values to offset neighbouring hexes
var mapHexWidth = Math.sqrt(3)/2 * 2 * mapHexSize;
var mapHexHeight = 3/4 * 2 * mapHexSize;
function init() {
//Create stage object - our root level container
stage = new createjs.Stage("demoCanvas");
// Call the function to craete the hex grid
createMap(mapWidthHexNo, mapHeightHexNo);
function createMap (mapSizeX, mapSizeY) {
for (var i=0;i<mapHexHeight;i++) { // iterate over total number of hex rows
for (var j=0;j<mapWidthHexNo;j++) { // iterate over each hex to be created in a single row.
var hexY = mapStartY + i * mapHexHeight;
//remember, each alternate row of hexes is offset in the x axis by half the width of the hex
// so just add an extra half of the width of the hex, to the x axis displacement of rows 1, 3, 5 etc...
if (i%2 == 0) {
var hexX = mapStartX + j * mapHexWidth;
else {
var hexX = mapStartX + j * mapHexWidth + 1/2* mapHexWidth;
//call the function to create individual hexes
createHex (hexX, hexY, mapHexSize);
function createHex (x,y,size) {
var hex = new createjs.Shape();
hex.graphics.beginStroke("#aaa").beginLinearGradientFill(["#eee","#fafafa"], [0, 1], 0, y-20, 0, y+30).drawPolyStar(x,y,size,6,0,30);