Запрос выдаёт мне ошибку:
Сообщение 156, Уровень 15, Состояние 1, Строка 4
Неверный синтаксис рядом с ключевым словом «от».
Сообщение 156, уровень 15, состояние 1, строка 9
Неверный синтаксис рядом с ключевым словом «группа».
Count(Page) as VisitingCount,
dbo.fn_GetActivityLogsArranger(CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),Date, 108)as [Time]
from scr_SecuristLog
where Date between '2009-04-30' and '2009-05-02'
and [user] in(select USERNAME
from scr_CustomerAuthorities
where customerID=Convert(varchar,4) and ID=Convert(varchar,43) )
group by CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),Date, 108) order by CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),Date, 108) asc
create FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetActivityLogsArranger]
@time AS nvarchar(max)
RETURNS nvarchar(max)
declare @Return varchar(30)
select @Return = case
when @time between '15:00' and '15:30' then '15:00-15:30'
when @time between '15:30' and '16:00' then '15:30-16:00'
when @time between '16:00' and '16:30' then '16:00-16:30'
when @time between '16:00' and '16:30' then '16:00-16:30'
when @time between '16:30' and '17:00' then '16:30-17:00'
when @time between '17:00' and '17:30' then '17:00-17:30'
when @time between '17:30' and '18:00' then '17:30-18:00'
else 'Unknown'
Return @Return