Вот решение вашей проблемы:
перейдите в ~ / APNS / Message.php
и замените эту функцию:
public function getPayload() {...}
с этим:
* Convert the message in a JSON-encoded payload.
* @throws ApnsPHP_Message_Exception if payload is longer than maximum allowed
* size and AutoAdjustLongPayload is disabled.
* @return @type string JSON-encoded payload.
public function getPayload()
$sJSONString = preg_replace_callback('/\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/i',
function($matches) {
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
return mb_convert_encoding(pack('H*', $matches[1]), 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16');
} else {
//Slower conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8 (BMP Only)
//See: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
$decimal_code = hexdec($matches[1]);
$character = "";
if ((0x7F & $decimal_code) == $decimal_code) {
//UTF-8 1-byte aka ASCII
$first_byte = 0x7F & $decimal_code;
$character = chr($first_byte);
} elseif ((0x7FF & $decimal_code) == $decimal_code) {
//UTF-8 2-bytes
$first_byte = 0xC0 | (($decimal_code >> 6) & 0x1F);
$second_byte = 0x80 | ($decimal_code & 0x3F);
$character = chr($first_byte) . chr($second_byte);
} elseif ((0xFFFF & $decimal_code) == $decimal_code) {
//UTF-8 3-bytes
$first_byte = 0xE0 | (($decimal_code >> 12) & 0x0F);
$second_byte = 0x80 | (($decimal_code >> 6) & 0x3F);
$third_byte = 0x80 | ($decimal_code & 0x3F);
$character = chr($first_byte) . chr($second_byte) . chr($third_byte);
return $character;
$sJSONPayload = str_replace(
'"' . self::APPLE_RESERVED_NAMESPACE . '":[]',
'"' . self::APPLE_RESERVED_NAMESPACE . '":{}',
$nJSONPayloadLen = strlen($sJSONPayload);
if ($nJSONPayloadLen > self::PAYLOAD_MAXIMUM_SIZE) {
if ($this->_bAutoAdjustLongPayload) {
$nMaxTextLen = $nTextLen = strlen($this->_sText) - ($nJSONPayloadLen - self::PAYLOAD_MAXIMUM_SIZE);
if ($nMaxTextLen > 0) {
while (strlen($this->_sText = mb_substr($this->_sText, 0, --$nTextLen, 'UTF-8')) > $nMaxTextLen);
return $this->getPayload();
} else {
throw new ApnsPHP_Message_Exception(
"JSON Payload is too long: {$nJSONPayloadLen} bytes. Maximum size is " .
self::PAYLOAD_MAXIMUM_SIZE . " bytes. The message text can not be auto-adjusted."
} else {
throw new ApnsPHP_Message_Exception(
"JSON Payload is too long: {$nJSONPayloadLen} bytes. Maximum size is " .
self::PAYLOAD_MAXIMUM_SIZE . " bytes"
return $sJSONPayload;
теперь вы сможете без проблем получать длинное сообщение utf-8.