Привет, моя проблема в том, что у меня есть arrayList с soccerPlayer и BaseballPlayer, но мне нужно найти baseballPlayer и получить baseballPlayer с самым высокимBattingAvg. Я не знаю, как сделать этот метод возможным, это мой класс BaseballPlayer и мой MainClass ..Спасибо
Это мой класс игроков
package HomeWork7;
public class BaseballPlayer extends Player{
private int atBat, hits;
public BaseballPlayer(String sp, String t, String pos,
String f_name, String l_name, int ab, int h) {
super(sp, t, pos, f_name, l_name);
atBat = ab;
hits = h;
public double battingAverage() {
return ((double)hits/atBat);
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " Position: " + super.getPos()
+ " Batting Avg: " + String.format("%3.3f", battingAverage());
Это мой главный класс
package HomeWork7;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class PlayersMain
private ArrayList<Player> theplayer = new ArrayList<Player>();
Scanner in;
PrintWriter out;
public void openFiles()
File input = new File("Players.txt");
in = new Scanner(input);
File output = new File("output.txt");
out = new PrintWriter(output);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
System.err.println("File not found!");
public void readData()
String sport, team, pos, fn, ln;
int goalsScored;
int goalsAllowed;
int minutes;
int atBats;
int hits;
double innings;
int earnedRuns;
sport = in.next();
team = in.next();
pos = in.next();
fn = in.next();
ln = in.next();
if (sport.equalsIgnoreCase("soccer"))
minutes = in.nextInt();
goalsScored = in.nextInt();
if (pos.equalsIgnoreCase("goalie"))
goalsAllowed = in.nextInt();
Goalie g = new Goalie(sport,team,pos,fn,ln,minutes,goalsScored,goalsAllowed);
SoccerPlayer socc = new SoccerPlayer(sport,team,pos,fn,ln,minutes,goalsScored);
else if (sport.equalsIgnoreCase("Baseball"))
atBats = in.nextInt();
hits = in.nextInt();
innings = in.nextDouble();
earnedRuns = in.nextInt();
Pitcher pit = new Pitcher(sport,team,pos,fn,ln,atBats,hits,innings,earnedRuns);
BaseballPlayer base = new BaseballPlayer(sport,team,pos,fn,ln,atBats,hits);
* close the files that are been used in the program
* the output file and the input file
public void closeFiles()
public BaseballPlayer getHighBattingAverage()
if(something instanceof BaseballPlayer)
//i do not know how to do this how to initialize this of something
//and then make it work please i need help the array list already have the information
//how i make it check from each one what is baseball player and what is not i know i need a for loop but i am stuck please help
public Goalie getLowestAvgGoalsAllowed()
return null;
public void displayPlayers(ArrayList<Player> list)
for(Player e: list)
out.println(e.getPosition() + ": " + e.getName());
public static void main(String[] args) {
PlayersMain pm = new PlayersMain();
pm.openFiles(); //opens the input and output files
pm.readData(); //reads the data file and populates the arraylist
BaseballPlayer b = pm.getHighBattingAverage();
Goalie g = pm.getLowestAvgGoalsAllowed();
pm.displayPlayers(); //output all players in the arraylist to the file
pm.closeFiles(); //close input and output files