Еще один вопрос SOAP - у меня большой многомерный массив, который хорошо воспроизводится при использовании print_r (например, вы можете видеть все данные).Проблема возникает, когда я использую
SOAPClient->__soapCall('Function', array('paramaters' => $feedUpload));
Это на самом деле возвращает XML, который выглядит следующим образом: (используя __getLastRequest)
<soap-env:envelope xmlns:ns1="http://www.property24.com/prosol/P24Feed" xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
Как вы можете видеть, для ListingData он возвращает "Массив",Вот схема массива:
[parameters] => Array
[FeedUpload] => Array
[Version] => 1
[UserToken] => Array
[Token] => 5ece25e7-77d9-4dbf-8b8f-e047759ab8f4
[Command] => UPLOAD
[Compress] => None
[Listings] => Array
[Listing] => Array
[PropertyCategory] => SR
[ListingNumber] => 361000001
[ListingType] => A
[ListingData] => Array
[MandateDetails] => Array
[ListingNumber] => 361000001
[ListingType] => A
[MandateType] => O
[ClosedUserGroup] => C
[MarketCode] => A
[ListPrice] => 111000
[OccupationDate] =>
[OffMarketDate] =>
[OnMarketSince] =>
[ExpiryDate] => 2011-07-13T09:56:14Z
[ListDate] => 2011-07-13T09:51:14Z
[UpdateDate] => 2011-07-13T09:51:14Z
[VirtualTourUrl] =>
[ActualDirections] =>
[ShowHouseDirection] =>
[ViewComments] =>
[InternetComments] => Excellent stand situated on the flood plane with large riverine trees and great mountain views. The estate is situated along the world renowned Blyde River and is 394 ha in extent with only 154 sites on 4000 square metres. The estate has an array of plains game such as antelope, giraffe and wildebeest as well as hippo and crocodile. The riverine flood plain provides great birding opportunities such as the Pels fishing owl. There is a restaurant and clubhouse that serves meals and cocktails and offers
[PropertyDetails] => Array
[PropertyCategory] => SR
[PropertyType] => SRX
[Status] => ACTV
[Province] => Eastern Cape
[Town] => Aberdeen
[Suburb] => Balvinie
[StreetName] => Test Street
[StreetNumber] => 5
[PostalCode] => 0123
[ErfSize] => 1200
[HouseSize] =>
[Age] =>
[OwnerType] => G
[VATRegistered] => false
[MunicipalRatesAndTaxes] => 0
[MunicipalImprovementsValue] => 0
[MunicipalLandValue] => 0
[MunicipalTotalValue] => 0
[StandNumber] =>
[StandNumberSubdivided] =>
[PortionNumber] =>
[OwnerShipType] =>
[ResidentialDetails] => Array
[NoOfBathrooms] => 2
[BathroomDescription] =>
[NoOfBedrooms] => 6
[BedroomDescription] =>
[NoOfKitchens] => 2
[KitchenDescription] =>
[NoOfReceptionRooms] => 2
[ReceptionRoomDescription] =>
[NoOfStudies] => 1
[StudiesDescription] =>
[NoOfDomesticBathrooms] => 2
[NoOfDomesticRooms] => 0
[DomesticRoomsDescription] =>
[NoOfGarages] => 0
[GarageDescription] =>
[NoOfOutsideToilets] => 0
[Coverage] => 0
[Pool] => false
[PoolDescription] =>
[Flatlet] =>
[FlatletDescription] =>
[FlatletSize] =>
[EstablishedGarden] =>
[OutBuildingSize] =>
[NoOfCarports] => 0
[CarportsDescription] =>
[ParkingBayNumber] =>
[Parking] =>
[ParkingDescription] =>
[BusinessRights] =>
[HeightRestrictions] =>
[CommonFeatures] =>
[NumberOfShares] =>
[FacingOptions] =>
[KitchenOptions] =>
[FeatureOptions] =>
[SpecialFeatureOptions] =>
[WallOptions] =>
[WindowOptions] =>
[StyleOptions] =>
[TemperatureControlOptions] =>
[SecurityOptions] =>
[RoofOptions] =>
[RoomOptions] =>
[PoolOptions] =>
[BathroomOptions] =>
[AgentDetails] => Array
[InternetAgentName] => Ricky Duckworth
[InternetAgentPhoneNumber] => 0157931534
[InternetAgentEmailAddress] => ricky@propertylogic.net
[InternetAgentSMSNumber] => 0796057834
[ListingAgentCode] => CN21
[ListingAgencyCode] => CWP021
Как видите, массив хорошо структурирован.Это похоже на то, что SoapRequest зашел далеко в массив и остановился.Я также получаю уведомление
Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/vhosts/propertylogic.net/httpdocs/soap_feed/property24/add_property.php on line 178
Что такое линия SOAPCall.
Большое спасибо!
[РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ] Хорошо, в основномСервер SOAP запросил, чтобы этот раздел был необработанным xml, поэтому мне пришлось заменить массив на String - глупый способ сделать что-то, но сообщение об ошибке теперь имеет смысл!(Не могу ответить на свой вопрос).