Ваш метод поиска работает нормально. Я создал класс и использовал ваш метод поиска (COPIED AND PASTED, я даже не изменил ваш поиск), и он работает. Это наводит меня на мысль, что проблема в том, как вы вводите свои данные.
class Pdeuchler {
static Pdeuchler db;
String[][] bookdb;
public static String search(String term) {
String result = "";
int row = db.bookdb.length;
outer_loop: // CHANGE #1 added a named loop
for (int i=0; i<db.bookdb.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
if (term.equals(db.bookdb[i][j])) {
row = i;
//break; //REMOVED
break outer_loop; // CHANGE #2 breaking to the outer_loop
if (row == db.bookdb.length) {
result += "Your search failed to return any results";
else {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
result += db.bookdb[row][j] + " ";
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
db = new Pdeuchler();
db.bookdb = new String[10][4]; // title, author, publisher, year
db.bookdb[0] = new String[] {"Awesome Book","Stan","West","2001"};
db.bookdb[1] = new String[] {"Cool Story","Dan","North","2002"};
db.bookdb[2] = new String[] {"Brothers","North","North","2003"};
db.bookdb[3] = new String[] {"Never again!","Bob","West","2004"};
db.bookdb[4] = new String[] {"Howdy Partner","Stan","South","2005"};
db.bookdb[5] = new String[] {"What the StackOverflow?","Dan","North","2006"};
db.bookdb[6] = new String[] {"That's hilarious","Angie","South","2007"};
db.bookdb[7] = new String[] {"I like pie","Angie","East","2008"};
db.bookdb[8] = new String[] {"Bob writes a book","Bob","South","2009"};
db.bookdb[9] = new String[] {"The adverntures of Bob","Bob","North","2010"};
System.out.println(search("I like pie"));
И результаты:
C:\junk>java Pdeuchler
I like pie Angie East 2008
The adverntures of Bob Bob North 2010
What the StackOverflow? Dan North 2006
и результаты с изменением:
C:\junk>javac Pdeuchler.java
C:\junk>java Pdeuchler
I like pie Angie East 2008
Cool Story Dan North 2002
Cool Story Dan North 2002
Если мы используем метод расширенного поиска (который я называю search2), мы получим это:
C:\junk>java Pdeuchler
simple search:
I like pie Angie East 2008
Cool Story Dan North 2002
Cool Story Dan North 2002
advanced search:
I like pie Angie East 2008
Cool Story Dan North 2002
Brothers North North 2003
What the StackOverflow? Dan North 2006
The adverntures of Bob Bob North 2010
Cool Story Dan North 2002
What the StackOverflow? Dan North 2006
Вот метод расширенного поиска:
public static String search2(String term) {
String result = "";
int row = db.bookdb.length;
for (int i=0; i<db.bookdb.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
if (term.equals(db.bookdb[i][j])) {
row = i;
for (int k=0; k<4; k++) {
result += db.bookdb[i][k] + " ";
result += "\n";
break; // breaks out of the INNER (j) loop
if (row == db.bookdb.length) {
result += "Your search failed to return any results";
return result;