Итак, у вас есть основной цикл кода, который создает страницы и добавляет контент, верно? Как только содержимое закончится, вы можете установить глобальный флаг, который ищет OnEndPage
Приведенный ниже код (в VB.Net, извините) создает класс (поэтому мы можем передать его по ссылке) с одной логической переменной, которую после завершения основного цикла обработки мы устанавливаем на true
, чтобы OnEndPage
знает, чтобы сделать что-то другое. Извините за подробное описание IPdfPageEvent
, VB требует объявления всех методов, даже если вы их не используете.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports iTextSharp.text
Imports iTextSharp.text.pdf
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
''//Holds our state information
Private PageState As CustomPageState
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
''//Create a new document
Dim Doc As New iTextSharp.text.Document(PageSize.LETTER)
''//Write it to a memory stream
Using FS As New FileStream(Path.Combine(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop, "Output.pdf"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)
''//Grab the writer
Dim writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(Doc, FS)
''//Create an object that we can pass by reference around to store the page state
Me.PageState = New CustomPageState()
''//Wire our event handler and pass in the page state
writer.PageEvent = New MyCustomPdfEvent(Me.PageState)
''//Open the PDF for writing
''//Main loop, create a bunch of pages
For I = 1 To 10
Doc.Add(New Phrase("Hello"))
''//This code goes at the very end of our main loop
If I = 10 Then Me.PageState.IsLastPage = True
''//Close the PDF
End Using
End Sub
''//This is our state container. Its just has a boolean value but its wrapped in a class so that we can pass it around by reference
Public Class CustomPageState
Public Property IsLastPage As Boolean = False
End Class
Public Class MyCustomPdfEvent
Implements IPdfPageEvent
''//Reference to the state container
Private PageState As CustomPageState
Public Sub New(ByRef pageState As CustomPageState)
Me.PageState = pageState
End Sub
Public Sub OnEndPage(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnEndPage
If Me.PageState.IsLastPage Then
''//Last page, do something different
''//Do normal page footer
End If
End Sub
Public Sub OnChapter(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document, ByVal paragraphPosition As Single, ByVal title As iTextSharp.text.Paragraph) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnChapter
End Sub
Public Sub OnChapterEnd(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document, ByVal paragraphPosition As Single) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnChapterEnd
End Sub
Public Sub OnCloseDocument(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnCloseDocument
End Sub
Public Sub OnGenericTag(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document, ByVal rect As iTextSharp.text.Rectangle, ByVal text As String) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnGenericTag
End Sub
Public Sub OnOpenDocument(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnOpenDocument
End Sub
Public Sub OnParagraph(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document, ByVal paragraphPosition As Single) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnParagraph
End Sub
Public Sub OnParagraphEnd(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document, ByVal paragraphPosition As Single) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnParagraphEnd
End Sub
Public Sub OnSection(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document, ByVal paragraphPosition As Single, ByVal depth As Integer, ByVal title As iTextSharp.text.Paragraph) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnSection
End Sub
Public Sub OnSectionEnd(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document, ByVal paragraphPosition As Single) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnSectionEnd
End Sub
Public Sub OnStartPage(ByVal writer As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter, ByVal document As iTextSharp.text.Document) Implements iTextSharp.text.pdf.IPdfPageEvent.OnStartPage
End Sub
End Class
End Class