PHP5 + объект DateTime полезен, потому что это високосное время и
переход на летнее время, но он нуждается в некотором расширении
решать проблему. Я написал следующее, чтобы решить аналогичную проблему.
Метод find_WeekdaysFromThisTo () является грубым, но он работает достаточно быстро, если ваш промежуток времени меньше 2 лет.
$tryme = new Extended_DateTime('2007-8-26');
$newer = new Extended_DateTime('2008-9-1');
print 'Weekdays From '.$tryme->format('Y-m-d').' To '.$newer->format('Y-m-d').': '.$tryme -> find_WeekdaysFromThisTo($newer) ."\n";
/* Output: Weekdays From 2007-08-26 To 2008-09-01: 265 */
print 'All Days From '.$tryme->format('Y-m-d').' To '.$newer->format('Y-m-d').': '.$tryme -> find_AllDaysFromThisTo($newer) ."\n";
/* Output: All Days From 2007-08-26 To 2008-09-01: 371 */
$timefrom = $tryme->find_TimeFromThisTo($newer);
print 'Between '.$tryme->format('Y-m-d').' and '.$newer->format('Y-m-d').' there are '.
$timefrom['years'].' years, '.$timefrom['months'].' months, and '.$timefrom['days'].
' days.'."\n";
/* Output: Between 2007-08-26 and 2008-09-01 there are 1 years, 0 months, and 5 days. */
class Extended_DateTime extends DateTime {
public function find_TimeFromThisTo($newer) {
$timefrom = array('years'=>0,'months'=>0,'days'=>0);
// Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
$testnewer = clone $newer;
$timefrom['years'] = $this->find_YearsFromThisTo($testnewer);
$mod = '-'.$timefrom['years'].' years';
$testnewer -> modify($mod);
$timefrom['months'] = $this->find_MonthsFromThisTo($testnewer);
$mod = '-'.$timefrom['months'].' months';
$testnewer -> modify($mod);
$timefrom['days'] = $this->find_AllDaysFromThisTo($testnewer);
return $timefrom;
} // end function find_TimeFromThisTo
public function find_YearsFromThisTo($newer) {
If the passed is:
not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
or not larger (after) $this
return false
if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
return FALSE;
$count = 0;
// Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
$testnewer = clone $newer;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 year');
while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
$count ++;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 year');
return $count;
} // end function find_YearsFromThisTo
public function find_MonthsFromThisTo($newer) {
If the passed is:
not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
or not larger (after) $this
return false
if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
return FALSE;
$count = 0;
// Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
$testnewer = clone $newer;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 month');
while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
$count ++;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 month');
return $count;
} // end function find_MonthsFromThisTo
public function find_AllDaysFromThisTo($newer) {
If the passed is:
not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
or not larger (after) $this
return false
if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
return FALSE;
$count = 0;
// Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
$testnewer = clone $newer;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');
while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
$count ++;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');
return $count;
} // end function find_AllDaysFromThisTo
public function find_WeekdaysFromThisTo($newer) {
If the passed is:
not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
or not larger (after) $this
return false
if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
return FALSE;
$count = 0;
// Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
$testnewer = clone $newer;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');
while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
// If the calculated day is not Sunday or Saturday, count this day
if ($testnewer->format('w') != '0' && $testnewer->format('w') != '6')
$count ++;
$testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');
return $count;
} // end function find_WeekdaysFromThisTo
public function set_Day($newday) {
if (is_int($newday) && $newday > 0 && $newday < 32 && checkdate($this->format('m'),$newday,$this->format('Y')))
} // end function set_Day
public function set_Month($newmonth) {
if (is_int($newmonth) && $newmonth > 0 && $newmonth < 13)
} // end function set_Month
public function set_Year($newyear) {
if (is_int($newyear) && $newyear > 0)
} // end function set_Year
} // end class Extended_DateTime