с учетом следующего кода из моей пользовательской модели:
def categorize
@cv = Cv.find(params[:cv_id], :include => [:desired_occupations, :past_occupations, :educational_skills])
@menu = :second
@language = Language.resolve(:code => :en, :name => :en)
categorizer = CvCategorizer.new @cv, @language
# fetch the data
@occupation_hashes = categorizer.occupations
@skill_hashes = categorizer.skills
# Sort the hashes
@occupation_hashes.sort! { |x,y| y.score <=> x.score}
@skill_hashes.sort! { |x,y| y.score <=> x.score}
@max = @skill_hashes.first.score
@min = @skill_hashes.last.score
Код создает новый экземпляр класса CvCategorizer и вызывает три метода подготовки по очереди.Все они делают интересные вещи с данными, полученными из базы данных.Код выглядит следующим образом:
# = CvCategorizer
# This class will handle the categorizing of a CV based upon the skills and occupations found in
# the CV. Because the controller originally had a huge chunk of code, this class will break up that
# login into seperate function calls and keep everything inside variables for easy access.
class CvCategorizer
# initializes a new instance of the CvCategorizer
def initialize cv, language
@cv = cv
@language = language
@occupations = []
@skills = []
# Prepares the occupation array by looking at the stored CV and collecting
# all the desired occupations and past occupations. These are stored inside
# the internal occupation array as a uniq list.
def prepare_occupations
all_occupations = @cv.desired_occupations.all(:include => :labels) + @cv.past_occupations.all(:include => :labels)
all_occupations.each do |occupation|
oc = OccupationCategory.new
oc.is_desired_work?= @cv.desired_occupations.include?(occupation)
oc.is_work_experience?= @cv.past_occupations.include?(occupation)
oc.occupation = occupation
if !@occupations.include?(oc)
@occupations << oc
obj = @occupations.select(oc)
obj.score += 1
obj.occupations= (obj.occupations & oc).uniq
all_occupations = @cv.desired_occupations.all(:include => :labels) + @cv.past_occupations.all(:include => :labels)
all_occupations.each do |occupation|
section = []
section << "Desired Work" if @cv.desired_occupations.include? occupation
section << "Work experience" if @cv.past_occupations.include? occupation
unless (array = @occupations.assoc(occupation)).blank?
array[1]+= 1
array[2] = (array[2] & section).uniq
@occupations << [occupation, 1, section, []]
# Prepares the occupation skills of the CV by looping over all the stored
# occupations and retrieving the skills for them and storing them in the
# skills array.
def prepare_occupation_skills
# Loop over all the OccupationCategory objects currently present in the Categorizer.
@occupations.each do |oc|
# For each OccupationCategory object, retrieve all the associated skills, and
# include their label as well.
oc.occupation.skills.all(:include => :labels).each do |skill|
# Get the label of the current concept we're working with.
label = oc.occupation.concept.label(@language).value
# Check if the @skills array already contains a SkillCategory object with the
# skill we're currently checking.
if (sc = @skills.select{|scs| scs.skill == skill}).blank?
# The skill was not found, so create a new entry with the SkillCategory class and set the
# correct values for the various properties
sc = SkillCategory.new
sc.labels << label
sc.score= 1
sc.is_occupation_skill? = true
sc.skill= skill
# The skill was found in one of the SkillCategory objects. So we update the score by
# 1 and store the label of the current concept, unless that label is already present.
sc.labels << label unless sc.labels.include?(label)
sc.is_occupation_skill?= true
sc.score+= 1
@occupations.each do |array|
array[0].skills.all(:include => :labels).each do |skill|
unless (skill_array = @skills.assoc skill).blank?
label = array[0].concept.label(@language).value
skill_array[1]+= 1
skill_array[3] << label unless skill_array[3].include? label
@skills << [skill, 1, [], [array[0].concept.label(@language).value]]
# Prepares the education skills by checking the CV and adding them to the
# skills array
def prepare_education_skills
# Loop over all the educational skills that are currently associated to the CV.
@cv.educational_skills.all(:include => :labels).each do |skill|
# Check if the @skills array already contains a SkillCategory object with the
# skill we're currently checking.
if (sc = @skills.select{|scs| scs.skill == skill}).blank?
# The skill was not found, so create a new entry with the SkillCategory class and set the
# correct values for the various properties
sc = SkillCategory.new
sc.labels << 'Education skills' unless sc.labels.include?('Education skills')
sc.score= 1
sc.is_educational_skill?= true
sc.skill= skill
# The skill was found in one of the SkillCategory objects. So we update the score by
# 1 and store the label of the current concept, unless that label is already present.
sc.labels << 'Education skills' unless sc.labels.include?('Education skills')
sc.is_educational_skill?= true
sc.score+= 1
@cv.educational_skills.all(:include => :labels).each do |skill|
unless (array = @skills.assoc skill).blank?
array[1]+= 1
array[3] << 'Education skills' unless array[3].include? 'Education skills'
@skills << [skill, 1, ['Education skills'], []]
# Returns all uniq skills with their score and section found.
# array structure for each element
# - 0 : the skill object
# - 1 : the score for the skill
# - 2 : CV location of the skill
# - 3 : ESCO group of the skill
def skills
# Returns all uniq occupations with their score and section found.
# array structure for each element
# - 0 : the occupation object
# - 1 : the score for the occupation
# - 2 : the CV location of the occupation
# - 3 : empty array for occupations
def occupations
При просмотре соответствующего представления в приложении я получаю с сервера следующее сообщение об ошибке:
/ home / arne.de.herdt / RubymineProjects / ESCO / app / models / cv_categorizer.rb: 21: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданный tIVAR, ожидание kEND oc.is_desired_work? = @ cv.desired_occupations.include? (... ^ /home/arne.de.herdt / RubymineProjects / ESCO / app / models / cv_categorizer.rb: 22: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданный tIVAR, ожидаемый kEND ...
oc.is_work_experience? = @ cv.past_occupations.include? (occ ... ^ /home / arne.de.herdt / RubymineProjects / ESCO / app / models / cv_categorizer.rb: 69: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданное '=', ожидание kEND sc.is_occupation_skill? = true ^ /home/arne.de.herdt/RubymineProjects/ESCO / app / models / cv_categorizer.rb: 75: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданное kTRUE, ожидаемое kEND /home/arne.de.herdt/RubymineProjects/ESCO/app/models/cv_categorizer.rb:108: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданное kTRUE, ожидаемоеkEND /home/arne.de.herdt/RubymineProjects/ESCO/app/models / cv_categorizer.rb: 114: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданное kTRUE, ожидание kEND
Кажется, я что-то упускаю в классе CvCategorize, но я не могу найти отсутствующие вещи.В среде IDE не отображаются такие ошибки, как пропущенные концы или что-либо еще.