Я создал служебный метод, который пытается определить, защищен ли данный офисный документ паролем или нет.Вот список преимуществ:
- поддерживает документы Word, Excel и PowerPoint, как устаревшие (doc, xls, ppt), так и новую версию OpenXml (docx, xlsx, pptx)
- не зависит от COM или какой-либо другой библиотеки
- требует только пространства имен System, System.IO и System.Text
- довольно быстрое и надежное обнаружение (учитывает устаревшие файлы .doc, .ppt и .xlsформаты)
- низкое использование памяти (максимум 64 КБ)
Вот код, надеюсь, кто-то найдет его полезным:
public static class MsOfficeHelper
/// <summary>
/// Detects if a given office document is protected by a password or not.
/// Supported formats: Word, Excel and PowerPoint (both legacy and OpenXml).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Path to an office document.</param>
/// <returns>True if document is protected by a password, false otherwise.</returns>
public static bool IsPasswordProtected(string fileName)
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
return IsPasswordProtected(stream);
/// <summary>
/// Detects if a given office document is protected by a password or not.
/// Supported formats: Word, Excel and PowerPoint (both legacy and OpenXml).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Office document stream.</param>
/// <returns>True if document is protected by a password, false otherwise.</returns>
public static bool IsPasswordProtected(Stream stream)
// minimum file size for office file is 4k
if (stream.Length < 4096)
return false;
// read file header
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var compObjHeader = new byte[0x20];
ReadFromStream(stream, compObjHeader);
// check if we have plain zip file
if (compObjHeader[0] == 'P' && compObjHeader[1] == 'K')
// this is a plain OpenXml document (not encrypted)
return false;
// check compound object magic bytes
if (compObjHeader[0] != 0xD0 || compObjHeader[1] != 0xCF)
// unknown document format
return false;
int sectionSizePower = compObjHeader[0x1E];
if (sectionSizePower < 8 || sectionSizePower > 16)
// invalid section size
return false;
int sectionSize = 2 << (sectionSizePower - 1);
const int defaultScanLength = 32768;
long scanLength = Math.Min(defaultScanLength, stream.Length);
// read header part for scan
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var header = new byte[scanLength];
ReadFromStream(stream, header);
// check if we detected password protection
if (ScanForPassword(stream, header, sectionSize))
return true;
// if not, try to scan footer as well
// read footer part for scan
stream.Seek(-scanLength, SeekOrigin.End);
var footer = new byte[scanLength];
ReadFromStream(stream, footer);
// finally return the result
return ScanForPassword(stream, footer, sectionSize);
static void ReadFromStream(Stream stream, byte[] buffer)
int bytesRead, count = buffer.Length;
while (count > 0 && (bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, count)) > 0)
count -= bytesRead;
if (count > 0) throw new EndOfStreamException();
static bool ScanForPassword(Stream stream, byte[] buffer, int sectionSize)
const string afterNamePadding = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
string bufferString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// try to detect password protection used in new OpenXml documents
// by searching for "EncryptedPackage" or "EncryptedSummary" streams
const string encryptedPackageName = "E\0n\0c\0r\0y\0p\0t\0e\0d\0P\0a\0c\0k\0a\0g\0e" + afterNamePadding;
const string encryptedSummaryName = "E\0n\0c\0r\0y\0p\0t\0e\0d\0S\0u\0m\0m\0a\0r\0y" + afterNamePadding;
if (bufferString.Contains(encryptedPackageName) ||
return true;
// try to detect password protection for legacy Office documents
const int coBaseOffset = 0x200;
const int sectionIdOffset = 0x74;
// check for Word header
const string wordDocumentName = "W\0o\0r\0d\0D\0o\0c\0u\0m\0e\0n\0t" + afterNamePadding;
int headerOffset = bufferString.IndexOf(wordDocumentName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
int sectionId;
if (headerOffset >= 0)
sectionId = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, headerOffset + sectionIdOffset);
int sectionOffset = coBaseOffset + sectionId * sectionSize;
const int fibScanSize = 0x10;
if (sectionOffset < 0 || sectionOffset + fibScanSize > stream.Length)
return false; // invalid document
var fibHeader = new byte[fibScanSize];
stream.Seek(sectionOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
ReadFromStream(stream, fibHeader);
short properties = BitConverter.ToInt16(fibHeader, 0x0A);
// check for fEncrypted FIB bit
const short fEncryptedBit = 0x0100;
return (properties & fEncryptedBit) == fEncryptedBit;
// check for Excel header
const string workbookName = "W\0o\0r\0k\0b\0o\0o\0k" + afterNamePadding;
headerOffset = bufferString.IndexOf(workbookName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
if (headerOffset >= 0)
sectionId = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, headerOffset + sectionIdOffset);
int sectionOffset = coBaseOffset + sectionId * sectionSize;
const int streamScanSize = 0x100;
if (sectionOffset < 0 || sectionOffset + streamScanSize > stream.Length)
return false; // invalid document
var workbookStream = new byte[streamScanSize];
stream.Seek(sectionOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
ReadFromStream(stream, workbookStream);
short record = BitConverter.ToInt16(workbookStream, 0);
short recordSize = BitConverter.ToInt16(workbookStream, sizeof(short));
const short bofMagic = 0x0809;
const short eofMagic = 0x000A;
const short filePassMagic = 0x002F;
if (record != bofMagic)
return false; // invalid BOF
// scan for FILEPASS record until the end of the buffer
int offset = sizeof(short) * 2 + recordSize;
int recordsLeft = 16; // simple infinite loop check just in case
record = BitConverter.ToInt16(workbookStream, offset);
if (record == filePassMagic)
return true;
recordSize = BitConverter.ToInt16(workbookStream, sizeof(short) + offset);
offset += sizeof(short) * 2 + recordSize;
} while (record != eofMagic && recordsLeft > 0);
// check for PowerPoint user header
const string currentUserName = "C\0u\0r\0r\0e\0n\0t\0 \0U\0s\0e\0r" + afterNamePadding;
headerOffset = bufferString.IndexOf(currentUserName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
if (headerOffset >= 0)
sectionId = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, headerOffset + sectionIdOffset);
int sectionOffset = coBaseOffset + sectionId * sectionSize;
const int userAtomScanSize = 0x10;
if (sectionOffset < 0 || sectionOffset + userAtomScanSize > stream.Length)
return false; // invalid document
var userAtom = new byte[userAtomScanSize];
stream.Seek(sectionOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
ReadFromStream(stream, userAtom);
const int headerTokenOffset = 0x0C;
uint headerToken = BitConverter.ToUInt32(userAtom, headerTokenOffset);
// check for headerToken
const uint encryptedToken = 0xF3D1C4DF;
return headerToken == encryptedToken;
catch (Exception ex)
// BitConverter exceptions may be related to document format problems
// so we just treat them as "password not detected" result
if (ex is ArgumentException)
return false;
// respect all the rest exceptions
return false;