Как вариант, есть алгоритм ограниченной очереди множественных производителей множественных потребителей Дмитрия Вьюкова . Я перенес алгоритм на .NET, вы можете найти исходники на github . Это очень быстро
Алгоритм постановки в очередь:
public bool TryEnqueue(object item)
var buffer = _buffer; // prefetch the buffer pointer
var pos = _enqueuePos; // fetch the current position where to enqueue the item
var index = pos & _bufferMask; // precalculate the index in the buffer for that position
var cell = buffer[index]; // fetch the cell by the index
// If its sequence wasn't touched by other producers
// and we can increment the enqueue position
if (cell.Sequence == pos && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _enqueuePos, pos + 1, pos) == pos)
// write the item we want to enqueue
Volatile.Write(ref buffer[index].Element, item);
// bump the sequence
buffer[index].Sequence = pos + 1;
return true;
// If the queue is full we cannot enqueue and just return false
if (cell.Sequence < pos)
return false;
// repeat the process if other producer managed to enqueue before us
} while (true);
Алгоритм удаления:
public bool TryDequeue(out object result)
var buffer = _buffer; // prefetch the buffer pointer
var bufferMask = _bufferMask; // prefetch the buffer mask
var pos = _dequeuePos; // fetch the current position from where we can dequeue an item
var index = pos & bufferMask; // precalculate the index in the buffer for that position
var cell = buffer[index]; // fetch the cell by the index
// If its sequence was changed by a producer and wasn't changed by other consumers
// and we can increment the dequeue position
if (cell.Sequence == pos + 1 && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _dequeuePos, pos + 1, pos) == pos)
// read the item
result = Volatile.Read(ref cell.Element);
// update for the next round of the buffer
buffer[index] = new Cell(pos + bufferMask + 1, null);
return true;
// If the queue is empty return false
if (cell.Sequence < pos + 1)
result = default(object);
return false;
// repeat the process if other consumer managed to dequeue before us
} while (true);