Хорошо, я пытался самостоятельно изучить C ++ и поэтому решил попробовать создать программу шифрования / дешифрования.Идея состоит в том, чтобы открыть файл и редактировать биты в соответствии с паролем.У меня возникли некоторые проблемы с моим кодом, и с помощью точек останова я обнаружил, что ошибка возникает, когда я открываю файл (он находится в main () примерно на треть пути вниз).Visual C ++ говорит мне, что куча стала поврежденной, и я не понимаю, почему.Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace std;
unsigned char fileData[31];
bool *password;
int count(0), maxCount;
* Programmer: P7r0
* Program: Encrypt/Decrypt
* Version: InDev
* Date Released: -
* Notes:
* -
struct bits{
// Breaks each byte into its 8 bits
unsigned int b1 : 1;
unsigned int b2 : 1;
unsigned int b3 : 1;
unsigned int b4 : 1;
unsigned int b5 : 1;
unsigned int b6 : 1;
unsigned int b7 : 1;
unsigned int b8 : 1;
} ;
// Toggles the bits, ie if 1 make 0
int swap(int Obj){
if (Obj = 1){return 0;}
else if (Obj = 0){return 1;}
void conversion(string convert){
// User password to a boolean array
int ascii, loop, count, a, counter(0);
const char *code;
bool bin [ ] = {false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false};
// Create an array for the booleans
password = new bool [convert.length()];
code = convert.c_str();
for (loop = 0;loop < convert.length(); loop++){
for (a = 0;a < 8;a++){bin[a] = false;}
// Get the equivilent ASCII code
ascii = int(code[loop]);
while (ascii > 0){
// Develop a tempory binary array with code based off of the ASCII values
if (ascii >= 128){ascii -= 128;bin[0] = true;}
else if (ascii >= 64){ascii -= 64;bin[1] = true;}
else if (ascii >= 32){ascii -= 32;bin[2] = true;}
else if (ascii >= 16){ascii -= 16;bin[3] = true;}
else if (ascii >= 8){ascii -= 8;bin[4] = true;}
else if (ascii >= 4){ascii -= 4;bin[5] = true;}
else if (ascii >= 2){ascii -= 2;bin[6] = true;}
else if (ascii >= 1){ascii -= 1;bin[7] = true;}
for (count = 0; count < 8; count++){
// Move out of the tempory array into the main array for global use
//cout << bin[count];
password[counter] = bin[count];
//cout << ":\n";
int encrypt(int loop){
// Changes everything bit by bit in blocks of bytes the size of loop, typically 32
int a, b, counter(0);
bits bit;
for (a = 0; a == loop; a++){
bit = * (bits*)(&fileData[a]);
cout << bit.b1 << "\t";
for (b = 0; b == 7; b++){
if (count = maxCount){count = 0;}
if (password[count] = true){
// If current password array is true then toggle current bit
if (b = 0){bit.b1 = swap(bit.b1);}
else if (b = 1){bit.b2 = swap(bit.b2);}
else if (b = 2){bit.b3 = swap(bit.b3);}
else if (b = 3){bit.b4 = swap(bit.b4);}
else if (b = 4){bit.b5 = swap(bit.b5);}
else if (b = 5){bit.b6 = swap(bit.b6);}
else if (b = 6){bit.b7 = swap(bit.b7);}
else if (b = 7){bit.b8 = swap(bit.b8);}
else {count++;}
cout << counter;
fileData[counter] = *(unsigned char*)(&bit);
return 0;
int main(){
fstream file;
char *remainder;
int counter, size, temp, b(0), stackCount(0);
long begin, end;
string usrin, pass, pause, filedir;
cout << "Please input password, must be one word\n";
cin >> pass;
maxCount = pass.length();
// Change password data stored at its location as to avoid unwanted detection of the password
pass = "default";
cout << "\nPlease input file path\n";
cin >> filedir;
//The error seems to be here
file.open(filedir.c_str(),ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
// Check that the file is open
if (file.is_open()){
cout << "Encrypting...\n";
counter = 32;
// Work out size (bytes) of the file
begin = file.tellg();
end = file.tellg();
b = file.tellg();
size = end-begin;
while((int)b <= size){
// Had to typecast as the unsigned/signed mis-match was throwing compile errors
if (size - b >= 32){
b = file.tellg();
} else if (size - b < 32 && size - b > 0) {
remainder = new char [size - b];
for (int a = 0; a != size - b; a++){remainder[a] = fileData[a];}
file.write((char*)(remainder),size - b);
// To cancel out of the while loop
b += 1;
} else if (size - b == 0){b += 1;}
cout << "\nEncrypted.\nPlease enter a letter to continue\n";
cin >> pause;
// Prompt user if unable to open the file
} else {cout << "Failed to open the file";}
return 0;