Рассматривали ли вы использование COLLECT вместо картриджа данных?
По крайней мере, для агрегирования строк метод COLLECT проще и намного быстрее.Это делает ваш SQL немного страннее.
Ниже приведен пример использования простой конкатенации строк.
--Create a type
create or replace type sometype as object
someValue varchar2(100),
someOtherValue varchar2(100)
--Create a nested table of the type.
--This is where the performance improvement comes from - Oracle can aggregate
--the types in SQL using COLLECT, and then can process all the values at once.
--This significantly reduces the context switches between SQL and PL/SQL, which
--are usually more expensive than the actual work.
create or replace type sometypes as table of sometype;
--Process all the data (it's already been sorted before it gets here)
create or replace function myAggregationFunction(p_sometypes in sometypes)
return varchar2 is
v_result varchar2(4000);
--Loop through the nested table, just concatenate everything for testing.
--Assumes a dense nested table
for i in 1 .. p_sometypes.count loop
v_result := v_result || ',' ||
p_sometypes(i).someValue || '+' || p_sometypes(i).someOtherValue;
end loop;
--Remove the first delimeter, return value
return substr(v_result, 2);
select someId
--Here's where the aggregation and ordering happen
collect(sometype(SomeValue, SomeOtherValue)
order by SomeOrderingValue)
as someTypes
) result
--Test data: note the unordered SoemOrderingValue.
select 1 someId, 3 SomeOrderingValue, '3' SomeValue, '3' SomeOtherValue
from dual union all
select 1 someId, 1 SomeOrderingValue, '1' SomeValue, '1' SomeOtherValue
from dual union all
select 1 someId, 2 SomeOrderingValue, '2' SomeValue, '2' SomeOtherValue
from dual
) foo
group by someId;
--Here are the results, aggregated and ordered.
------ ------
1 1+1,2+2,3+3