Попробуйте это регулярное выражение.
myregexp = pcre_compile("href\\s*=\\s*(['\"])(.*?)\\1", 0, &error, &erroroffset, NULL);
Пример кода:
pcre *myregexp;
const char *error;
int erroroffset;
int offsetcount;
int offsets[(2+1)*3]; // (max_capturing_groups+1)*3
myregexp = pcre_compile("href\\s*=\\s*(['\"])(.*?)\\1", 0, &error, &erroroffset, NULL);
if (myregexp != NULL) {
offsetcount = pcre_exec(myregexp, NULL, subject, strlen(subject), 0, 0, offsets, (2+1)*3);
while (offsetcount > 0) {
// match offset = offsets[0];
// match length = offsets[1] - offsets[0];
if (pcre_get_substring(subject, &offsets, offsetcount, 0, &result) >= 0) {
// Do something with match we just stored into result
offsetcount = pcre_exec(myregexp, NULL, subject, strlen(subject), 0, offsets[1], offsets, (2+1)*3);
} else {
// Syntax error in the regular expression at erroroffset