Вот выборка данных. Я оставил в обратном вызове на фронте. Это только часть данных, поэтому окончание]); не включены Это общедоступные данные. Я знаю, что это действительно JSON, потому что я использую точный тот же файл, используя Ajax вместо JSONP, чтобы загрузить его с моей локальной машины, и он работает нормально. Только при доступе через этот скрипт JSONP / PHP с удаленного сервера происходит сбой с ошибкой. Точное сообщение об ошибке:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: callback
и местом ошибки является data.php: 1, который является моим удаленным PHP-скриптом.
callback([{"record_id":"317","artist":"Vern Luce","title":"Untitled","date":"1983","medium":"Painted steel","discipline":"sculpture","dimensions":"a: 93 \" x 40 \" x 64 \", b: 76.5 \" x 31 \" x 29 \", c: 48.5 \" x 85 \" x 20 \"","funding_source":"CETA","location":"MacLeay Park","street":"NW 29th Ave and Upshur St","city":"Portland","state":"OR","zipcode":"","lat":"45.535999799999999","lng":"-122.7110045","description":"Three geometric abstract steel sculptures are placed in a raised landscaped area in and located directly south of the Thurman Street Bridge. In siting the work, the artist wanted the sculptures to respond both to the surrounding greenspace (thus, the bright red color) and to the broad horizontal expanse of the Thurman Street bridge (thus, the vertical nature of the sculptures). At the time the pieces were installed, Vern Luce lived near Lower MacLeay Park and selected the site both for its visual beauty and its proximity to his home.\n\nProject History\nThe Comprehensive Education Training Act of the early 70's provided grants to a number of Portland artists that enabled them to create artwork. As a result, over 500 works by 52 artists became part of the City of Portland's collection, providing a rich and diverse history of art in Portland. Aside from Lower MacLeay Park, two other Portland parks feature permanent sculptures acquired through this program: a sculpture by Bruce West in Lair Hill Park and a piece by Jerry Allen in Peninsula Park.","image_url":"http:\/\/data.racc.org\/pa_inventory\/0240\/0240thumb.jpg","detail_url":"http:\/\/racc.org\/public-art\/search\/?recid=317.192","date_modified":"2010-07-19 00:00:00"},{"record_id":"359","artist":"Bruce West","title":"BW1","date":"1978","medium":"Cor-ten steel","discipline":"sculpture","dimensions":"6' x 30' x 20'","funding_source":"CETA 1976-77","location":"Lair Hill Park","street":"3000 SW Barbur Blvd","city":"Portland","state":"OR","zipcode":"97201","lat":"45.501570100000002","lng":"-122.68130650000001","description":"","image_url":"http:\/\/data.racc.org\/pa_inventory\/0098\/0098thumb.jpg","detail_url":"http:\/\/racc.org\/public-art\/search\/?recid=359.185","date_modified":"2010-12-29 00:00:00"},{"record_id":"362","artist":"Jerry Allen","title":"Disc #4","date":"1979","medium":"Cast silicon bronze","discipline":"sculpture","dimensions":"diameter: 4 1\/2'","funding_source":"CETA 1977-78","location":"Peninsula Park","street":"6222 N. Albina Avenue","city":"Portland","state":"OR","zipcode":"97217","lat":"45.568221899999998","lng":"-122.6748716","description":"","image_url":"http:\/\/data.racc.org\/pa_inventory\/0102\/0102thumb.jpg","detail_url":"http:\/\/racc.org\/public-art\/search\/?recid=360.55","date_modified":"2010-03-12 00:00:00"},