При использовании рекурсивного общего табличного выражения тот же запрос выглядит следующим образом:
with sample_data as
select 1 id, 'AB,AD' vals from dual union all
select 2, 'AG,AK,AJ,BA,BD' from dual union all
select 3, 'AV' from dual
split_first(id, val, rem) as
select id,
coalesce(substr(vals, 1, instr(vals, ',') - 1), vals) val,
case when instr(vals, ',') > 0 then substr(vals, instr(vals, ',') + 1) end rem
from sample_data
union all
select id,
coalesce(substr(rem, 1, instr(rem, ',') - 1), rem) val,
case when instr(rem, ',') > 0 then substr(rem, instr(rem, ',') + 1) end rem
from split_first
where rem is not null
select id, val from split_first
order by id;
Или немного другой подход:
with sample_data as
select 1 id, 'AB,AD' vals from dual union all
select 2, 'AG,AK,AJ,BA,BD' from dual union all
select 3, 'AV' from dual
pos(id, seq, vals, sta, stp) as
select id, 1, vals, 1, instr(vals, ',') from sample_data
union all
select id, seq + 1, vals, stp + 1, instr(vals, ',', stp + 1) from pos
where stp > 0
select id, substr(vals, sta, case when stp > 0 then stp - sta else length(vals) end) from pos
order by id, seq;