У меня есть 2 VBox внутри tabNavigator.
Интересующий меня фрагмент кода VBox:
<mx:TabNavigator id ="tabNav">
<mx:VBox label="Class Details" name="clsDetail" id="ClsDetails" height="301" width="300" >
<mx:FormItem label="PropID" name="PropoId" id="propoIDForm" direction="horizontal">
<mx:NumericStepper id="propagatedIDInput" name ="objId" minimum="0" maximum="100" stepSize="1" width="65"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Difficulty" direction="horizontal">
<mx:RadioButtonGroup id="difficulty"/>
<mx:RadioButton label="Easy" groupName="difficulty" value="1"/>
<mx:RadioButton label="Medium" groupName="difficulty" value="2"/>
<mx:RadioButton label="Hard" groupName="difficulty" value="3"/>
Я пытаюсь установить время выполнения числового шагового двигателя и не могу этого сделать. Пробовал 2 подхода
Approach 1: iterate through children and get the one
var VBoxChildren:Array = ClsDetails.getChildren();
for each(var currentFormItem:FormItem in VBoxChildren)
var FormChildren:Array = currentFormItem.getChildren(); //somehow it is becoming null
for each(var currentItem:* in FormChildren) //doesn't go in since the array is null)
if(currentItem is NumericStepper)
(currentItem as NumericStepper).value = int(markedObject.propagatedID);
Approach 2: try to get children byname
var myVBox:VBox = tabNav.getChildByName("clsDetail") as VBox;
var frmItem:FormItem = myVBox.getChildByName("PropoId") as FormItem;//issue it becomes null ..somhownot able to get this children even though it is visible when I debug
var objId:NumericStepper = frmItem.getChildByName("objId") as NumericStepper; undefined as above is null
Я не уверен, что мне здесь не хватает ... наиболее ценные предложения !!