Простой ответ: «Нет, вы не можете создать таблицу переменных на основе другой таблицы»
Но вы можете обобщить немного, используя таблицу типов.Например (примечание: вы можете добавить документацию к таблице типов и столбцам, которая может быть полезна для дальнейшего использования):
PRINT 'type: [dbo].[foo_type]'
PRINT ' - Check if [dbo].[foo_type] TYPE exists (and drop it if it does).'
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.types WHERE name = 'foo_type' AND is_table_type = 1 AND SCHEMA_ID('dbo') = schema_id)
-- Create the proc
PRINT ' - Drop TYPE [dbo].[foo_type]';
DROP TYPE [dbo].[foo_type];
PRINT ' - create [dbo].[foo_type] TYPE.'
CREATE type [dbo].[foo_type] as Table
[id] int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
, [name] varchar(255) NOT NULL
, [description] varchar(255)
, numeric_data numeric(26, 6)
, datetimestamp datetime default getdate()
, Unique_Indicator float unique not null default cast(getdate() as float)
, CHECK (Unique_Indicator > 0)
PRINT ' - done.'
-- Adding the descriptions
PRINT ' - Adding Type level Description'
EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'describe the usage of this type.' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TYPE',@level1name=N'foo_type'
PRINT ' - Adding Column level Descriptions'
PRINT ' - column: id'
EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'ID of the record...' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TYPE',@level1name=N'foo_type', @level2type=N'COLUMN',@level2name=N'ID';
-- use the type defined above to manipulate the variable table:
declare @foo_table foo_type;
--insert using the default value for the for the unique indicator.
insert into @foo_table (name, [description], numeric_data, datetimestamp)
values('babar', 'this is the king of the elephants', 12.5, '1931-01-01')
-- insert the records one by one to use the scope_identity() for the unique indicator.
insert into @foo_table (name, [description], numeric_data, datetimestamp, Unique_Indicator )
values('zephyr', 'Babar''s monkey friend', 5.5, '1932-01-01', scope_identity())
insert into @foo_table (name, [description], numeric_data, datetimestamp, Unique_Indicator )
values ('Celeste', 'Babar''s sister', 19.5, '1932-01-01', scope_identity())
-- insert using a list of values
insert into @foo_table (name, [description], numeric_data, datetimestamp, Unique_Indicator )
values('Babur', 'Not Babar!!!', 1483, '1983-02-14', 10)
, ('Mephistopheles', 'Not Babar either...', 666, '1866-01-01',11)
-- insert using a select
insert into @foo_table (name, [description], numeric_data, datetimestamp, Unique_Indicator)
(select 'Conan', 'The Cimmerian barbarian', 850, '1932-12-01',99 union
select 'Robert E. Howard', 'Conan''s creator', 30, '1906-01-22', 100
-- check the data we inserted in the variable table.
select * from @foo_table;
-- Clean up the example type
DROP TYPE [dbo].[foo_type];