При чтении данных переменной длины из последовательности байтов не следует помещать все в одну структуру или переменную.Указатели также используются для хранения этой переменной длины.
Следующее предложение не проверено:
// data is stored in memory,
// in a different way,
// NOT as sequence of bytes,
// as provided
struct data {
short sh1;
short sh2;
int abclength;
// a pointer, maybe variable in memory !!!
char* abc;
bool bool1;
bool bool2;
// reads a single byte
bool readByte(byte* MyByteBuffer)
// your reading code goes here,
// character by character, from stream,
// file, pipe, whatever.
// The result should be true if not error,
// false if cannot rea anymore
// used for reading several variables,
// with different sizes in bytes
int readBuffer(byte* Buffer, int BufferSize)
int RealCount = 0;
byte* p = Buffer;
while (readByte(p) && RealCount <= BufferSize)
return RealCount;
void read()
// real data here:
data Mydata;
byte MyByte = 0;
// long enough, used to read temporally, the variable string
char temp[64000];
// fill buffer for string with null values
memset(temp, '\0', 64000);
int RealCount = 0;
// try read "sh1" field
RealCount = (readBuffer(&(MyData.sh1), sizeof(short)));
if (RealCount == sizeof(short))
// try read "sh2" field
RealCount = readBuffer(&(MyData.sh2), sizeof(short));
if (RealCount == sizeof(short))
RealCount = readBuffer(temp, 64000);
if (RealCount > 0)
// store real bytes count
MyData.abclength = RealCount;
// allocate dynamic memory block for variable length data
MyData.abc = malloc(RealCount);
// copy data from temporal buffer into data structure plus pointer
// arrays in "plain c" or "c++" doesn't require the "&" operator for address:
memcpy(MyData.abc, temp, RealCount);
// comented should be read as:
//memcpy(&MyData.abc, &temp, RealCount);
// continue with rest of data
RealCount = readBuffer(&(MyData.bool1), sizeof(bool));
if (RealCount > 0)
// continue with rest of data
RealCount = readBuffer(&(MyData.bool2), sizeof(bool));
} // void read()