Я выполняю числовую проверку таким образом, как показано в коде ниже.
Нет необходимости проверять char по char, уважается культура пользователя!
namespace Your_App_Namespace
public static class Globals
public static double safeval = 0; // variable to save former value!
public static bool isPositiveNumeric(string strval, System.Globalization.NumberStyles NumberStyle)
// checking if string strval contains positive number in USER CULTURE NUMBER FORMAT!
double result;
boolean test;
if (strval.Contains("-")) test = false;
else test = Double.TryParse(strval, NumberStyle, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out result);
// if (test == false) MessageBox.Show("Not positive number!");
return test;
public static string numstr2string(string strval, string nofdec)
// conversion from numeric string into string in USER CULTURE NUMBER FORMAT!
// call example numstr2string("12.3456", "0.00") returns "12.34"
string retstr = "";
if (Globals.isPositiveNumeric(strval, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number)) retstr = double.Parse(strval).ToString(nofdec);
else retstr = Globals.safeval.ToString(nofdec);
return retstr;
public static string number2string(double numval, string nofdec)
// conversion from numeric value into string in USER CULTURE NUMBER FORMAT!
// call example number2string(12.3456, "0.00") returns "12.34"
string retstr = "";
if (Globals.isPositiveNumeric(numval.ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number)) retstr = numval.ToString(nofdec);
else retstr = Globals.safeval.ToString(nofdec);
return retstr;
// Other Your_App_Namespace content
// This the way how to use those functions in any of your app pages
// function to call when TextBox GotFocus
private void textbox_clear(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
TextBox txtbox = e.OriginalSource as TextBox;
// save original value
Globals.safeval = double.Parse(txtbox.Text);
txtbox.Text = "";
// function to call when TextBox LostFocus
private void textbox_change(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
TextBox txtbox = e.OriginalSource as TextBox;
// text from textbox into sting with checking and string format
txtbox.Text = Globals.numstr2string(txtbox.Text, "0.00");