Итак, я пишу функцию, которая позволит мне добавить идентификатор из одной таблицы базы данных в другую, чтобы связать их, но я натолкнулся на некоторое недоразумение и, похоже, не могу понять, что делать.любая помощь будет сильно оценена.
прошу прощения за то, что я немного грязный код, я пробовал много разных решений, которые, кажется, не работают.
class photo_modle extends CI_Model {
var $gallery_path;
var $image_name;
var $row;
var $gid; // gallary ID
var $iid; // image ID
function photo_modle() {
$this->gallery_path = realpath(APPPATH . '../images');
function uploadPhoto() {
$config = array(
'allowed_types' => 'jpg|jpeg',
'upload_path' => $this->gallery_path,
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
$image_data = $this->upload->data();
$this->image_name = $image_data['file_name'];
$config = array(
'source_image' => $image_data['full_path'],
'new_image' => realpath($this->gallery_path . '/thumb/normal/'),
'width' => 248,
'height' => 198,
'maintain_ratio' => false
$this->load->library('image_lib', $config);
$data = array(
'image_name' => $this->image_name,
'description' => $this->input->post('description'),
'name' => $this->input->post('name')
$str = $this->db->insert_string('images', $data);
$this->iid = $this->db->insert_id();
$grayscale_path = '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/images/thumb/normal/' . $this->image_name;
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($grayscale_path);
imagefilter($img, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
imagejpeg($img, '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/images/thumb/rollover/' . $this->image_name, 100);
$ndata = array (
'image_name' => $this->image_name,
'description' => $this->input->post('description'),
'name' => $this->input->post('name'),
'id' => $this->iid
function add_new_gallery() {
$ndata = array(
'gallery_name' => $this->input->post('gallery_name'),
'description' => $this->input->post('gallery_description'),
$n_str = $this->db->insert('gallery', $ndata);
// this is the only place where i can put the redirect without it returning errors
// but if i do it here it does not pass back the gid variable which i need.
// I also should mention that I have a header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); above all of
// this, and that is why I have to do a redirect, so that I don't get an error. and that
// header code is nessasary, for I am doing some photo manipulation that requires it.
$this->gid = $this->db->insert_id();
// I was trying to send that info in the session, but even that did not work because of the
// redirect
$sdata = array(
'gallery_id' => $this->gid
// this function needs the info that is not getting passed.
function addId() {
$sdata = array('gallery_id' => $this->session->userdata('gallery_id'));
$where = "id = ".$this->session->userdata('image_id');
$str = $this->db->update_string('images', $sdata, $where);
любому, кто может помочь, спасибо, оооочень много за ваше время.любые предложения будут великолепны!