x = [1,2,3,4]
for i in x:
if i==2:
pass #Pass actually does nothing. It continues to execute statements below it.
print "This statement is from pass."
for i in x:
if i==2:
continue #Continue gets back to top of the loop.And statements below continue are executed.
print "This statement is from continue."
Выходные данные
>>> This statement is from pass.
Опять же, давайте запустим тот же код с небольшими изменениями.
x = [1,2,3,4]
for i in x:
if i==2:
pass #Pass actually does nothing. It continues to execute statements below it.
print "This statement is from pass."
for i in x:
if i==2:
continue #Continue gets back to top of the loop.And statements below continue are executed.
print "This statement is from continue."
Вывод -
>>> This statement is from pass.
This statement is from pass.
This statement is from pass.
This statement is from pass.
This statement is from continue.
This statement is from continue.
This statement is from continue.
Pass ничего не делает.На вычисления это не влияет.Но продолжить возвращает к началу цикла, чтобы продолжить со следующим вычислением.