Если вы загрузите HTML-код целевой страницы в переменную htmlsource, этот веб-мастер будет отформатировать ваши данные в указанном формате CSV:
from pyparsing import *
th,thEnd = makeHTMLTags("th")
thCategory = th.setParseAction(withAttribute(**{'class':'clickable', 'colspan':'3'}))
category = thCategory.suppress() + SkipTo(thEnd)('category') + thEnd
# set up tag recognizers, with specialized patterns based on class attribute
td, tdEnd = makeHTMLTags("td")
tdWithClass = lambda cls : td.copy().setParseAction(withAttribute(**{'class':cls}))
itemTd = tdWithClass('item-name')
price1Td = tdWithClass('price city-1')
price2Td = tdWithClass('price city-2')
# define some currencies
currency = oneOf("NZ$ AU$ US$ SG$").setName("currency")
# define a currency amount as a real number
amount = Regex(r'\d+,\d{3}|\d+(\.\d+)?').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0].replace(',','')))
# define the format of a city value
cityval = Group((price1Td | price2Td) + currency("currency") + amount("amt") + SkipTo(tdEnd) + tdEnd)
# define a comparison item, including item name and item cost in city1 and city2
comparison = Group(itemTd + SkipTo(tdEnd)("item") + tdEnd + (cityval*2)("valuedata"))
# attach a parse action to clean up automated token naming
def assignPriceTags(t):
for v in t[0].valuedata:
if v['class'] == 'price city-1':
t[0]['price1'] = v
t[0]['price2'] = v
# remove extraneous results names created by makeHTMLTags
for tg in 'class tag startTd endTd empty'.split():
del t[0][tg]
for v in t[0].valuedata:
del v[tg]
del t[0]['valuedata']
currentcategory = ''
for compdata in (category|comparison).searchString(htmlsource):
if 'category' in compdata:
currentcategory = compdata.category
compdata = compdata[0]
#~ print compdata.dump()
print "%s, %s, %s%s, %s%s" % (currentcategory, compdata.item,
compdata.price1.currency, compdata.price1.amt,
compdata.price2.currency, compdata.price2.amt)
Food, Daily menu in the business district, AU$15.82, NZ$15.62
Food, Combo meal in fast food restaurant (Big Mac Meal or similar), AU$7.4, NZ$7.91
Food, 1/2 Kg (1 lb.) of chicken breast, AU$6.07, NZ$10.25
Food, 1 liter (1 qt.) of whole fat milk, AU$1.8, NZ$2.65
Food, 500 gr (16 oz.) of local cheese, AU$5.99, NZ$7.2
Food, 1 kg (2 lb.) of apples, AU$4.29, NZ$3.46
Food, 2 kg (4,5 lb.) of potatoes, AU$4.31, NZ$5.29
Food, 0.5 l (16 oz) beer in the supermarket, AU$4.12, NZ$4.36
Food, 2 liters of Coca-Cola, AU$3.07, NZ$2.64
Food, bread for 2 people for 1 day, AU$2.32, NZ$1.93
Housing, monthly rent for a 85 m2 (900 Sqft) furnished apartment in expensive area of the city, AU$1766.0, NZ$2034.0
Housing, Internet 8MB (1 month), AU$49.0, NZ$61.0
Housing, 40” flat screen TV, AU$865.0, NZ$1041.0
Housing, utilities 1 month (heating, electricity, gas ...), AU$211.0, NZ$170.0
Clothes, 1 pair of Levis 501, AU$119.0, NZ$123.0
Clothes, 1 summer dress in a chain store (Zara, H&M, ...), AU$63.0, NZ$50.0
Clothes, 1 pair of Adidas trainers, AU$142.0, NZ$166.0
Clothes, 1 pair of average business shoes, AU$130.0, NZ$133.0
Transportation, Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI 140 CV 6 vel. (or equivalent), with no extras, new, AU$28321.0, NZ$45574.0
Transportation, 1 liter (1/4 gallon) of gas, AU$1.43, NZ$2.13
Transportation, monthly ticket public transport, AU$110.0, NZ$138.0
Personal Care, medicine against cold for 6 days (Frenadol, Coldrex, ...), AU$14.27, NZ$17.85
Personal Care, 1 box of 32 tampons (Tampax, OB, ...), AU$5.51, NZ$7.71
Personal Care, 4 rolls of toilet paper, AU$3.57, NZ$3.07
Personal Care, Tube of toothpaste, AU$3.37, NZ$3.39
Personal Care, Standard men's haircut in expat area of the city, AU$27.0, NZ$27.0
Entertainment, 2 tickets to the movies, AU$33.0, NZ$30.0
Entertainment, 2 tickets to the theater (best available seats), AU$163.0, NZ$139.0
Entertainment, dinner out for two in Italian restaurant with wine and dessert, AU$100.0, NZ$100.0
Entertainment, basic dinner out for two in neighborhood pub, AU$46.0, NZ$46.0
Entertainment, 1 cocktail drink in downtown club, AU$14.31, NZ$14.38
Entertainment, 1 beer in neighbourhood pub, AU$4.69, NZ$6.72
Entertainment, iPod nano 8GB (6th generation), AU$176.0, NZ$252.0
Entertainment, 1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff (no discounts or plans), AU$1.14, NZ$0.84
Entertainment, 1 month of gym in business district, AU$90.0, NZ$91.0
Entertainment, 1 package of Marlboro cigarretes, AU$15.97, NZ$14.47