Во имя науки я отправляю половину ответа на свой вопрос. На этой странице будут показаны изображения, которые уже есть в базе данных. Страница загрузки остается открытым вопросом.
Райан Калпеппер помог мне в личной переписке помимо того, что размещено здесь. Я благодарю его за помощь. Все вещи, которые могут выглядеть как черная магия, исходят от него, и все неуклюжие глупости - мои. Буду благодарен за все предложения по улучшению кода.
#lang racket
We are assuming that the PostgreSQL database we are connecting to
has a table "person" with columns
"id", "firstname", "lastname" and "portrait".
The "portrait" column contains the OID of a BLOB
that stores the image file we want to display.
Suppose further that the table "person" has a legitimate entry with
id=22, firstname="John", lastname="Doe"
Then the page
should display greetings "Hello, John Doe!"
and show the portrait of the person below the greeting.
The portrait itself should be at
The program should be run via Racket -t "<filename>"
after defining the environment variables
(planet ryanc/db:1:4)
(planet ryanc/db:1:4/util/connect)
; response
(define (start given-request)
(site-dispatch given-request))
(define-values (site-dispatch given-request)
[("page" (integer-arg)) show-page]
[("portrait" (string-arg)) show-portrait]))
(define (show-page given-request given-person-id)
(let* ( [db-person_firstname_lastname
(query-maybe-row my-connection
"SELECT firstname, lastname FROM person WHERE id = $1"
[my-firstname (vector-ref db-person_firstname_lastname 0)]
[my-lastname (vector-ref db-person_firstname_lastname 1)])
`(html ([xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"])
(title "Page with a portrait"))
(div ([id "greetings"])
"Hello, " my-firstname " " my-lastname "! "))
(img ( [src ,(string-append "/portrait/"
(number->string given-person-id) ".jpg")])))))))
(define (show-portrait given-request given-portrait-file)
(let* ( [my-user-id (car (regexp-match #rx"^([0-9]+)"
[my-portrait-oid (query-value my-connection
"SELECT portrait FROM person WHERE id = $1"
(string->number my-user-id))]
[INV_READ #x00040000])
200 ; code
#"Okay" ; message
(current-seconds) ; seconds
#"image/jpeg" ; mime type
empty ; headers
(lambda (given-output-stream) ; body generator
(start-transaction my-connection)
(define object-descriptor
(query-value my-connection
"SELECT LO_OPEN( $1, $2 )" my-portrait-oid INV_READ))
(define (stream-next-chunk)
(define my-next-chunk
(query-value my-connection
"SELECT LOREAD( $1, $2 )"
object-descriptor STREAMOUT_CHUNK_SIZE))
(if (> (bytes-length my-next-chunk) 0)
(write-bytes my-next-chunk given-output-stream)
(commit-transaction my-connection)))))
; database connection
(define my-connection
(lambda ()
(eprintf "(Re)establishing database connection...\n")
#:user (getenv "DB_USER")
#:database (getenv "DB_NAME")
#:port (string->number (getenv "DB_PORT"))
#:socket #f
#:password (getenv "DB_PASSWORD")
#:allow-cleartext-password? #f
#:ssl 'optional ; other choices: 'yes 'no
; servlet parameters
(serve/servlet start
#:command-line? #t ; #t to use serve/servlet in a start up script for a Web application, and don't want a browser opened or the DrRacket banner printed
#:connection-close? #f ; #t to close every connection after one request. (Otherwise, the client decides based on what HTTP version it uses.)
#:launch-browser? #f
#:quit? #f ; #t makes the URL "/quit" end the server
#:banner? #t ; #t to print an informative banner
#:listen-ip #f ; give an IP to accept connections from external machines
#:port 80 ; 443 is the default for SSL, 80 - for open connections
#:servlet-regexp #rx"" ; #rx"" captures top-level requests
#:stateless? #t
#:server-root-path ; where the server files are rooted, default=(the distribution root)
(build-path ".")
#:ssl? #f
#:log-file (build-path "server.log"))