Нет встроенной функции, но вместо использования библиотеки полного стека, просто чтобы выделить некоторый JavaScript, вы можете использовать эту единственную функцию:
<code>function format_javascript($data, $options = false, $c_string = "#DD0000", $c_comment = "#FF8000", $c_keyword = "#007700", $c_default = "#0000BB", $c_html = "#0000BB", $flush_on_closing_brace = false)
if (is_array($options)) { // check for alternative usage
extract($options, EXTR_OVERWRITE); // extract the variables from the array if so
} else {
$advanced_optimizations = $options; // otherwise carry on as normal
@ini_set('highlight.string', $c_string); // Set each colour for each part of the syntax
@ini_set('highlight.comment', $c_comment); // Suppression has to happen as some hosts deny access to ini_set and there is no way of detecting this
@ini_set('highlight.keyword', $c_keyword);
@ini_set('highlight.default', $c_default);
@ini_set('highlight.html', $c_html);
if ($advanced_optimizations) { // if the function has been allowed to perform potential (although unlikely) code-destroying or erroneous edits
$data = preg_replace('/([$a-zA-z09]+) = \((.+)\) \? ([^]*)([ ]+)?\:([ ]+)?([^=\;]*)/', 'if ($2) {' . "\n" . ' $1 = $3; }' . "\n" . 'else {' . "\n" . ' $1 = $5; ' . "\n" . '}', $data); // expand all BASIC ternary statements into full if/elses
$data = str_replace(array(') { ', ' }', ";", "\r\n"), array(") {\n", "\n}", ";\n", "\n"), $data); // Newlinefy all braces and change Windows linebreaks to Linux (much nicer!)
$data = preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", $data); // Regex identifies all extra empty lines produced by the str_replace above. It is quicker to do it like this than deal with a more complicated regular expression above.
$data = str_replace("<?php", "<script>", highlight_string("<?php \n" . $data . "\n?>", true));
$data = explode("\n", str_replace(array("<br />"), array("\n"), $data));
# experimental tab level highlighting
$tab = 0;
$output = '';
foreach ($data as $line) {
$lineecho = $line;
if (substr_count($line, "\t") != $tab) {
$lineecho = str_replace("\t", "", trim($lineecho));
$lineecho = str_repeat("\t", $tab) . $lineecho;
$tab = $tab + substr_count($line, "{") - substr_count($line, "}");
if ($flush_on_closing_brace && trim($line) == "}") {
$output .= '}';
} else {
$output .= str_replace(array("{}", "[]"), array("<span style='color:" . $c_string . "!important;'>{}</span>", "<span style='color:" . $c_string . " !important;'>[]</span>"), $lineecho . "\n"); // Main JS specific thing that is not matched in the PHP parser
$output = str_replace(array('?php', '?>'), array('script type="text/javascript">', '</script>'), $output); // Add nice and friendly <script> tags around highlighted text
return '<pre id="code_highlighted">' . $output . "
echo format_javascript('console.log("Here is some highlighted JS code using a single function !");') ;
http://css -tricks.com / highlight-code-with-php /
http://css -tricks.com / примеры / HighlightJavaScript /