Это мой тестовый пример для разработки англо-кхмерского словаря документов.
$json ='{
"word": "think",
"khmer" :
"type":["Verb — past tense: thought ; past participle: thought ; present participle: thinking ; "] ,
"(INTRANSITIVE) (to believe, to judge, to form or have in the mind, to determine, to use the mind in order to come to decisions, to anticipate; to call, to mind; to imagine, to conceive, to surmise) គិត, ពិចារណា, រិះគិត, ទ្រង់ព្រះតំរិះ, ទ្រង់ព្រះចិន្ដា",
"(TECHNICAL) គិតមានចេតនាឬផែនការរំពឹង",
"english" :
"type":["Noun — Plural: Thinks"],
"meaning" :
"Act of thinking; a thought.",
"type": ["Verb — past tense: thought ; past participle: thought ; present participle: thinking ; "],
"(TRANSITIVE) To seem or appear; -- used chiefly in the expressions methinketh or methinks, and methought.",
"(TRANSITIVE) To employ any of the intellectual powers except that of simple perception through the senses; to exercise the higher intellectual faculties.",
"other" :{
"meaning": [
"To presume, to venture",
"To conceive, to imagine",
"phrasalVerbs" :
"Think about",
"Think of",
"relatedPhrases" :
"think again",
"think ahead",
$data = json_decode($json);
echo "<pre>";
echo "
Когда я пытался запустить этот скрипт, я не получал вывод, как json Object.
Кто-нибудь Может мне помочь с проблемой в моей Json String? или Json Design здесь?