Я собираюсь интегрировать систему регистрации phpBB с моей собственной системой регистрации сайтов ..
вот код
$last_id = $_GET['id'];
$usr = decrypt($_GET['variable1']);
$passwd = decrypt($_GET['variable2']);
$em = decrypt($_GET['variable3']);
//echo 'last id: '.$last_id.' usr: '.$usr.' passwd: '.$passwd.' em: '.$em;
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
/* set scope for variables required later */
global $phpbb_root_path;
global $phpEx;
global $db;
global $config;
global $user;
global $auth;
global $cache;
global $template;
# your php extension
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
$phpbb_root_path = 'forum/';
/* includes all the libraries etc. required */
require($phpbb_root_path ."common.php");
/* the file with the actual goodies */
require($phpbb_root_path ."includes/functions_user.php");
/* All the user data (I think you can set other database fields aswell, these seem to be required )*/
$user_row = array(
'username' => $usr,
'user_password' => md5($passwd),
'user_email' => $em,
'group_id' => 2/*$default_group_id*/,
'user_timezone' => '5.00',
'user_dst' => 0,
'user_lang' => 'en',
'user_type' => '0',
'user_actkey' => "",
'user_dateformat' => 'd M Y H:i',
'user_style' => '',
'user_regdate' => time(),
/* Now Register user */
$phpbb_user_id = user_add($user_row);
if(!empty($phpbb_user_id)) {
echo 'success';
} else {
echo 'Error';
ошибка: файл utf_normalizer.php не найден.