Вам необходимо изменить значение Man-notify-method
. Вы можете сделать это через M-x customize-group RET man RET
Возможные значения (упомянутые здесь, поскольку на странице настройки их нет):
newframe -- put the manpage in its own frame (see `Man-frame-parameters')
pushy -- make the manpage the current buffer in the current window
bully -- make the manpage the current buffer and only window (sf)
aggressive -- make the manpage the current buffer in the other window (sf)
friendly -- display manpage in the other window but don't make current (sf)
polite -- don't display manpage, but prints message and beep when ready
quiet -- like `polite', but don't beep
meek -- make no indication that the manpage is ready
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