Вы можете отправить отчет о сбое, когда пользователь запустит приложение после сбоя.
Загрузите crashManagetLib , чтобы прочитать отчет о сбое.
Вы можете написать свой код чтения при сбое в didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
, например: -
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[self checkCrash];
// To check Crash and attach the crash file to Email
- (void) checkChrash
//code for the application crash report.
NSFileManager *file = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *dir = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *errorReportPath = [[dir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"crash_report.plcrash"] retain];
//Call Crash Manager if apps is crashed
[[CrashManager sharedInstance] manageCrashes];
[[CrashManager sharedInstance] setCrashDelegate:self selector:@selector(notifyException:stackTrace:)];
//Mail Dialog is display if apps is crashed
NSString* errorReport = [CrashManager sharedInstance].errorReport;
if ([file fileExistsAtPath:errorReportPath])
if(nil != errorReport)
// log out from facebook.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"TOKEN"];
NSString *crashResponce = [BKAPIClient sendCrashReportByMethod:aCrashReport WithErrorLog:errorReport];
if ([crashResponce isEqualToString:@"True"])
NSLog(@"Crash Report has been sent !");
[file removeItemAtPath:errorReportPath error:nil];
[errorReportPath release];
// For stack trace of crash
- (void) notifyException:(NSException*) exception stackTrace:(NSArray*)stackTrace
// Oh no! We crashed!
// Time to output some stuff to the console.
// Note: Any EXC_BAD_ACCESS crashes (such as accessing a deallocated object) will
// cause the app to close stdout, so you won't see this trace in such a case.
NSLog(@"Exception:\n%@\n", exception);
NSLog(@"Full Trace:\n%@\n", [[StackTracer sharedInstance] printableTrace:stackTrace]);
NSArray* intelligentTrace = [[StackTracer sharedInstance] intelligentTrace:stackTrace];
NSLog(@"Condensed Intelligent Trace:\n%@", [[StackTracer sharedInstance] condensedPrintableTrace:intelligentTrace]);