Я не могу заставить этот скрипт работать правильно. Когда я пытаюсь передать ему домен, он всегда возвращает AVAILABLE, даже для cnn.com! $ message - это имя домена, для которого я проверяю доступность.
Это вызов функции;
// Initializing class
$domain=new domain("$message");
// Checking if domain is available
$status = "$message is available";
$status = "$message is unavailable";
echo = $status;
А это domain.class.php;
class domain{
var $domain="";
var $servers=array(
array("com","whois.geektools.com","No match"),
array("net","whois.geektools.com","No match"),
array("org","whois.geektools.com","No match"),
var $idn=array(224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,240,236,237,238,239,241,242,243,244,245,246,248,254,249,250,251,252,253,255);
// var $idn=array("00E0","00E1","00E2","00E3","00E4","00E5","0101","0103","0105","00E6","00E7","0107","0109","010B","010D","010F","0111","00E8","00E9","00EA","00EB","0113","0115","0117","0119","011B","014B","00F0","011D","011F","0121","0123","0125","0127","00EC","00ED","00EE","00EF","0129","012B","012D","012F","0131","0135","0137","0138","013A","013C","013E","0142","00F1","0144","0146","0148","00F2","00F3","00F4","00F5","00F6","00F8","014D","014F","0151","0153","0155","0157","0159","015B","015D","015F","0161","0163","0165","0167","00FE","00F9","00FA","00FB","00FC","0169","016B","016D","016F","0171","0173","0175","00FD","00FF","0177","017A","017C","017E");
function domain($str_domainname){
function info(){
$fp = fsockopen($whois_server,43);
// fputs($fp, "$dom\r\n");
// New IDN
if($tldname=="de") {
fputs($fp, "-C ISO-8859-1 -T dn $dom\r\n");
} else {
fputs($fp, "$dom\r\n");
// Getting string
// Checking whois server for .com and .net
if($tldname=="com" || $tldname=="net" || $tldname=="edu"){
if(strtolower($lineArr[0])=="whois server"){
// Getting whois information
$fp = fsockopen($whois_server,43);
fputs($fp, "$dom\r\n");
// Getting string
// Checking for other tld's
return $string;
return "No whois server for this tld in list!";
return "Domainname isn't valid!";
* Returns the whois data of the domain in HTML format
* @return string $whoisdata Whois data as string in HTML
* @desc Returns the whois data of the domain in HTML format
function html_info(){
return nl2br($this->info());
* Returns name of the whois server of the tld
* @return string $server the whois servers hostname
* @desc Returns name of the whois server of the tld
function get_whois_server(){
return $server;
* Returns the tld of the domain without domain name
* @return string $tldname the tlds name without domain name
* @desc Returns the tld of the domain without domain name
function get_tld(){
// Splitting domainname
return $tldname;
* Returns all tlds which are supported by the class
* @return array $tlds all tlds as array
* @desc Returns all tlds which are supported by the class
function get_tlds(){
return $tlds;
* Returns the name of the domain without tld
* @return string $domain the domains name without tld name
* @desc Returns the name of the domain without tld
function get_domain(){
// Splitting domainname
return $domain[0];
* Returns the full domain
* @return string $fulldomain
* @desc Returns the full domain
function get_fulldomain(){
return $this->domain;
* Returns the string which will be returned by the whois server of the tld if a domain is avalable
* @return string $notfound the string which will be returned by the whois server of the tld if a domain is avalable
* @desc Returns the string which will be returned by the whois server of the tld if a domain is avalable
function get_notfound_string(){
return $notfound;
* Returns if the domain is available for registering
* @return boolean $is_available Returns 1 if domain is available and 0 if domain isn't available
* @desc Returns if the domain is available for registering
function is_available(){
$whois_string=$this->info(); // Gets the entire WHOIS query from registrar
$not_found_string=$this->get_notfound_string(); // Gets 3rd item from array
$domain=$this->domain; // Gets current domain being queried
$whois_string =@preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",$whois_string); //Replace whitespace with single space
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
function get_cn_server($whois_text){
* Returns if the domain name is valid
* @return boolean $is_valid Returns 1 if domain is valid and 0 if domain isn't valid
* @desc Returns if the domain name is valid
function is_valid(){
// If it's a tld with two Strings (like co.uk)
for($i=0;$i<count($this->servers) && $found==false;$i++){
return false;
}else if(count($domainArr)>3){
return false;
// Creating regular expression for
// $idn.="\x".$this->idn[$i]."";
if(ereg($pattern,strtolower($this->get_domain())) && !ereg("^-|-$",strtolower($this->get_domain())) && !preg_match("/--/",strtolower($this->get_domain()))){
return true;
return false;
Я изучал это и некоторое время пробовал разные вещи. Может ли кто-нибудь указать мне правильное направление? Мне бы хотелось узнать, чего мне здесь не хватает.