На самом деле, проверка на равенство проста, используя свойства ASTNode. После этого вам решать, как вы хотите получить различия. Проверьте пример кода для проверки на равенство:
public class ASTCompare {
static boolean equals(ASTNode left, ASTNode right) {
// if both are null, they are equal, but if only one, they aren't
if (left == null && right == null) {
return true;
} else if (left == null || right == null) {
return false;
// if node types are the same we can assume that they will have the same
// properties
if (left.getNodeType() != right.getNodeType()) {
return false;
List<StructuralPropertyDescriptor> props = left
for (StructuralPropertyDescriptor property : props) {
Object leftVal = left.getStructuralProperty(property);
Object rightVal = right.getStructuralProperty(property);
if (property.isSimpleProperty()) {
// check for simple properties (primitive types, Strings, ...)
// with normal equality
if (!leftVal.equals(rightVal)) {
return false;
} else if (property.isChildProperty()) {
// recursively call this function on child nodes
if (!equals((ASTNode) leftVal, (ASTNode) rightVal)) {
return false;
} else if (property.isChildListProperty()) {
Iterator<ASTNode> leftValIt = ((Iterable<ASTNode>) leftVal)
Iterator<ASTNode> rightValIt = ((Iterable<ASTNode>) rightVal)
while (leftValIt.hasNext() && rightValIt.hasNext()) {
// recursively call this function on child nodes
if (!equals(leftValIt.next(), rightValIt.next())) {
return false;
// one of the value lists have additional elements
if (leftValIt.hasNext() || rightValIt.hasNext()) {
return false;
return true;