Мне пришлось сделать что-то очень похожее. Вот решение в Python (оно не было проверено очень хорошо):
def normalize(value, fdigits=2):
Convert a string representing a numerical value to value-digit/exponent form.
Round the fractional portion to the given number of digits.
value the value (string)
fdigits the number of digits to which to round the fractional
# if empty string, return error
if not value:
return None
# split value by decimal
v = value.split('.')
# if too many decimals, return error
if len(v) > 2:
return None
# add empty string for fractional portion if missing
elif len(v) == 1:
# assign whole and fractional portions
(w, f) = v
# pad fractional portion up to number of significant digits if necessary
if len(f) < fdigits:
f += ('0' * (fdigits - len(f)))
# if the number of digits in the fractional portion exceeds the
# number of digits allowed by fdigits
elif len(f) > fdigits:
# convert both portions to integers; use '0' for whole portion if missing
(wi, fi) = (int(w or '0'), int(f[:fdigits]))
# round up if first insignificant digit is gteq 5
if int(f[fdigits]) >= 5:
fi += 1
# roll whole value up if fractional portion rounds to a whole
if len(str(fi)) > fdigits:
wi += 1
fi = 0
# replace the whole and fractional strings
(w, f) = (str(wi), ("%0" + str(fdigits) + "d") % fi)
# derive value digits and exponent
n = w.lstrip() + f
l = len(n)
x = -fdigits
n = n.rstrip('0')
x += (l - len(n))
# return value digits and exponent
return (int(n), x)