Вот код:
<title> ATS Business and Games - Home </title>
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<meta name= "description" content="This page has our rules along with links to our external and internal download pages.">
<meta name="keywords" content="ATS ats business and games video tutorials video videos tutorial minecraft">
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<p style="color:white"> ATS Business and Games <img align="right"
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<p style="text-align:center;color:white"> <a href="http://atsbusinessandgames.co.cc/">Home</a>
<p> <span><b><font size="5" color="black"><h1>Rules for Downloads</h1></b></font>
<font size="4" color="black">Please note that this section is here to protect both us and you.
Proceeding to any download page beyond this assumes that you have read and understood all these rules.
If you have any questions then you may contact us (the link can be found at the bottom of every page).
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<p style="text-align:center;color:white"> Copyright (C) 2011
<a href="mailto:info@atsbusinessandgames.co.cc?subject=Information Request&body=What information would you like. We will try and get to you as soon
as possible!%0A%0A">Contact Us</a> </p>
Итак, вы можете увидеть, как выглядит форматирование, вот ссылка на страницу: http://www.atsbusinessandgames.co.cc/Downloads
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