Я бы предложил вам написать (или заставить кого-то написать) простую утилиту Java, которая:
- Считывает структуру ваших клиентских каталогов (если необходимо)
- ДляКаждое изображение создает соответствующий ключ (в соответствии с файловой структурой, прочитанной в 1) на s3 и запускает многоэтапную загрузку в paralel с использованием AWS SDK или jets3t API.
Я сделал это для нашего клиента.Это менее 200 строк кода Java, и это очень надежно.ниже часть, которая выполняет загрузку из нескольких частей. Часть, которая читает структуру файла, является тривиальной.
* Uploads file to Amazon S3. Creates the specified bucket if it does not exist.
* The upload is done in chunks of CHUNK_SIZE size (multi-part upload).
* Attempts to handle upload exceptions gracefully up to MAX_RETRY times per single chunk.
* @param accessKey - Amazon account access key
* @param secretKey - Amazon account secret key
* @param directoryName - directory path where the file resides
* @param keyName - the name of the file to upload
* @param bucketName - the name of the bucket to upload to
* @throws Exception - in case that something goes wrong
public void uploadFileToS3(String accessKey
,String secretKey
,String directoryName
,String keyName // that is the file name that will be created after upload completed
,String bucketName ) throws Exception {
// Create a credentials object and service to access S3 account
AWSCredentials myCredentials =
new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
String filePath = directoryName
+ System.getProperty("file.separator")
+ keyName;
log.info("uploadFileToS3 is about to upload file [" + filePath + "]");
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(myCredentials);
// Create a list of UploadPartResponse objects. You get one of these
// for each part upload.
List<PartETag> partETags = new ArrayList<PartETag>();
// make sure that the bucket exists
createBucketIfNotExists(bucketName, accessKey, secretKey);
// delete the file from bucket if it already exists there
s3Client.deleteObject(bucketName, keyName);
// Initialize.
InitiateMultipartUploadRequest initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(bucketName, keyName);
InitiateMultipartUploadResult initResponse = s3Client.initiateMultipartUpload(initRequest);
File file = new File(filePath);
long contentLength = file.length();
long partSize = CHUNK_SIZE; // Set part size to 5 MB.
int numOfParts = 1;
if (contentLength > CHUNK_SIZE) {
if (contentLength % CHUNK_SIZE != 0) {
numOfParts = (int)((contentLength/partSize)+1.0);
else {
numOfParts = (int)((contentLength/partSize));
try {
// Step 2: Upload parts.
long filePosition = 0;
for (int i = 1; filePosition < contentLength; i++) {
// Last part can be less than 5 MB. Adjust part size.
partSize = Math.min(partSize, (contentLength - filePosition));
log.info("Start uploading part[" + i + "] of [" + numOfParts + "]");
// Create request to upload a part.
UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest()
// repeat the upload until it succeeds or reaches the retry limit
boolean anotherPass;
int retryCount = 0;
do {
anotherPass = false; // assume everything is ok
try {
log.info("Uploading part[" + i + "]");
// Upload part and add response to our list.
log.info("Finished uploading part[" + i + "] of [" + numOfParts + "]");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed uploading part[" + i + "] due to exception. Will retry... Exception: ", e);
anotherPass = true; // repeat
while (anotherPass && retryCount < CloudUtilsService.MAX_RETRY);
filePosition += partSize;
log.info("filePosition=[" + filePosition + "]");
log.info("Finished uploading file");
// Complete.
CompleteMultipartUploadRequest compRequest = new
log.info("multipart upload completed.upload id=[" + initResponse.getUploadId() + "]");
} catch (Exception e) {
s3Client.abortMultipartUpload(new AbortMultipartUploadRequest(
bucketName, keyName, initResponse.getUploadId()));
log.error("Failed to upload due to Exception:", e);
throw e;
* Creates new bucket with the names specified if it does not exist.
* @param bucketName - the name of the bucket to retrieve or create
* @param accessKey - Amazon account access key
* @param secretKey - Amazon account secret key
* @throws S3ServiceException - if something goes wrong
public void createBucketIfNotExists(String bucketName, String accessKey, String secretKey) throws S3ServiceException {
try {
// Create a credentials object and service to access S3 account
org.jets3t.service.security.AWSCredentials myCredentials =
new org.jets3t.service.security.AWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
S3Service service = new RestS3Service(myCredentials);
// Create a new bucket named after a normalized directory path,
// and include my Access Key ID to ensure the bucket name is unique
S3Bucket zeBucket = service.getOrCreateBucket(bucketName);
log.info("the bucket [" + zeBucket.getName() + "] was created (if it was not existing yet...)");
} catch (S3ServiceException e) {
log.error("Failed to get or create bucket[" + bucketName + "] due to exception:", e);
throw e;