Если вы хотите включить Drag'nDrop для набора, вы можете использовать следующий код:
Raphael.el.set_drag = function (aSet) {
// Enable drag'n drop in a Set
var startAll = function () {
// storing original coordinates
for (var i in this.set.items) {
var comp = this.set.items[i];
try {
comp.attr({opacity: 0.3});
} catch (ex) {;}
if (comp.type == "path") {
comp.ox = comp.getBBox().x;
comp.oy = comp.getBBox().y;
else {
comp.ox = comp.attrs.cx || comp.attrs.x;
comp.oy = comp.attrs.cy || comp.attrs.y;
moveAll = function (dx, dy) {
for (var i in this.set.items) {
var comp = this.set.items[i];
if (comp.attrs.cx) // ellipse
comp.attr({cx: comp.ox + dx, cy: comp.oy + dy});
else if (comp.attrs.x)
comp.attr({x: comp.ox + dx, y: comp.oy + dy});
else // path
comp.translate(comp.ox - comp.getBBox().x + dx, comp.oy - comp.getBBox().y + dy);
upAll = function () {
for (var i in this.set.items) {
var comp = this.set.items[i];
if (comp.attrs.cx) // ellipse
comp.attr({cx: comp.ox, cy: comp.oy + dy});
else if (comp.attrs.x)
comp.attr({x: comp.ox, y: comp.oy + dy});
else // path
comp.translate(comp.ox , comp.oy - comp.getBBox().y + dy);
this.set.items[i].attr({opacity: 1});
this.set = aSet; //create a "set" property on the element
return this;
// Create your elements
var first_element = paper.rect(10,10,100,50).attr({fill:'#f00'});
var second_element = paper.rect(30,300,100,50).attr({fill:'#0f0'});
// Add elements to your set
var myset = paper.set();
// Add handler on the elements