Ошибка «повысить ActionNotFound» возникает, если у нас нет нужного действия в списке «action_methods»
AbstractController :: Base # internal_methods
# A list of method names that should be considered actions. This
# includes all public instance methods on a controller, less
# any internal methods (see #internal_methods), adding back in
# any methods that are internal, but still exist on the class
# itself. Finally, #hidden_actions are removed.
# ==== Returns
# * <tt>array</tt> - A list of all methods that should be considered actions.
def action_methods
@action_methods ||= begin
# All public instance methods of this class, including ancestors
methods = public_instance_methods(true).map { |m| m.to_s }.to_set -
# Except for public instance methods of Base and its ancestors
internal_methods.map { |m| m.to_s } +
# Be sure to include shadowed public instance methods of this class
public_instance_methods(false).map { |m| m.to_s } -
# And always exclude explicitly hidden actions
# Clear out AS callback method pollution
methods.reject { |method| method =~ /_one_time_conditions/ }
Не попадать в окончательный список "AbstractController :: Base # internal_methods"
# A list of all internal methods for a controller. This finds the first
# abstract superclass of a controller, and gets a list of all public
# instance methods on that abstract class. Public instance methods of
# a controller would normally be considered action methods, so methods
# declared on abstract classes are being removed.
# (ActionController::Metal and ActionController::Base are defined as abstract)
def internal_methods
controller = self
controller = controller.superclass until controller.abstract?
И, наконец, самое интересное:
>> ActionController::Base.instance_methods.include?('callback')
=> true