Я столкнулся с этой проблемой некоторое время назад и создал функцию-обертку, которая берет двумерный массив и автоматически создает из него мульти-диаграмму:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import operator as o
import numpy as np
dpoints = np.array([['rosetta', '1mfq', 9.97],
['rosetta', '1gid', 27.31],
['rosetta', '1y26', 5.77],
['rnacomposer', '1mfq', 5.55],
['rnacomposer', '1gid', 37.74],
['rnacomposer', '1y26', 5.77],
['random', '1mfq', 10.32],
['random', '1gid', 31.46],
['random', '1y26', 18.16]])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
def barplot(ax, dpoints):
Create a barchart for data across different categories with
multiple conditions for each category.
@param ax: The plotting axes from matplotlib.
@param dpoints: The data set as an (n, 3) numpy array
# Aggregate the conditions and the categories according to their
# mean values
conditions = [(c, np.mean(dpoints[dpoints[:,0] == c][:,2].astype(float)))
for c in np.unique(dpoints[:,0])]
categories = [(c, np.mean(dpoints[dpoints[:,1] == c][:,2].astype(float)))
for c in np.unique(dpoints[:,1])]
# sort the conditions, categories and data so that the bars in
# the plot will be ordered by category and condition
conditions = [c[0] for c in sorted(conditions, key=o.itemgetter(1))]
categories = [c[0] for c in sorted(categories, key=o.itemgetter(1))]
dpoints = np.array(sorted(dpoints, key=lambda x: categories.index(x[1])))
# the space between each set of bars
space = 0.3
n = len(conditions)
width = (1 - space) / (len(conditions))
# Create a set of bars at each position
for i,cond in enumerate(conditions):
indeces = range(1, len(categories)+1)
vals = dpoints[dpoints[:,0] == cond][:,2].astype(np.float)
pos = [j - (1 - space) / 2. + i * width for j in indeces]
ax.bar(pos, vals, width=width, label=cond,
color=cm.Accent(float(i) / n))
# Set the x-axis tick labels to be equal to the categories
plt.setp(plt.xticks()[1], rotation=90)
# Add the axis labels
# Add a legend
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(handles[::-1], labels[::-1], loc='upper left')
barplot(ax, dpoints)
Если вам интересно, что делает эта функция и какая логика стоит за ней, вот (бесстыдно саморекламируемая) ссылка на пост в блоге, описывающий ее.