Чтение Midi-файлов на IOS - PullRequest

Чтение Midi-файлов на IOS

10 голосов
/ 25 августа 2011

Я ищу информацию о том, как воспроизвести MIDI-файл на IOS. Мне не нужны миди-сообщения. Я просто хотел бы прочитать файл midi и воспроизвести трек обратно пользователю, подставляя каждую ноту для сэмпла фортепиано. Возможность регулировать темп была бы другим требованием.

Обратите внимание, что я не заинтересован в преобразовании MIDI-файла в WAV или другой формат. Я хотел бы прочитать MIDI-файл напрямую.

Может ли кто-нибудь указать мне какую-то информацию, которая может помочь мне понять необходимый процесс.


Ответы [ 4 ]

13 голосов
/ 28 октября 2011

Мне тоже нужна была эта функциональность. Вот код для синтаксического парсера, который анализирует данные файла MIDI, предоставленные в объекте NSData (например, из NSData: dataWithContentsOfFile), и записывает то, что он находит, в изменяемый строковый журнал. Реальное приложение будет обрабатывать различные события более полезным способом, но это должно быть хорошей отправной точкой для любого, кому необходимо проанализировать стандартные MIDI-файлы, поскольку оно работает с большинством болевых точек.

        // MidiParser.h

        #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

        typedef enum tagMidiTimeFormat
        } MidiTimeFormat;

        @interface MidiParser : NSObject 
            NSMutableString *log;
            NSData *data;
            NSUInteger offset;

            UInt16 format;
            UInt16 trackCount;
            MidiTimeFormat timeFormat;

            UInt16 ticksPerBeat;
            UInt16 framesPerSecond;
            UInt16 ticksPerFrame;

        @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *log;

        @property (readonly) UInt16 format;
        @property (readonly) UInt16 trackCount;
        @property (readonly) MidiTimeFormat timeFormat;

        - (BOOL) parseData: (NSData *) midiData;


    //  MidiParser.m

#import "MidiParser.h"

#define kFileCorrupt @"File is corrupt"
#define kInvalidHeader @"Invalid MIDI header"
#define kInvalidTrackHeader @"Invalid Track header"


#define META_TEXT_EVENT         0x1
#define META_TRACK_NAME         0x3
#define META_LYRICS             0x5
#define META_MARKER             0x6
#define META_CUE_POINT          0x7
#define META_CHANNEL_PREFIX     0x20
#define META_END_OF_TRACK       0x2f
#define META_SET_TEMPO          0x51
#define META_SMPTE_OFFSET       0x54
#define META_TIME_SIGNATURE     0x58
#define META_KEY_SIGNATURE      0x59
#define META_SEQ_SPECIFIC       0x7f

#define CHANNEL_NOTE_OFF        0x8
#define CHANNEL_NOTE_ON         0x9
#define CHANNEL_PITCH_BEND      0xE

#define MICRO_PER_MINUTE        60000000

@implementation MidiParser

@synthesize log;

@synthesize format;
@synthesize trackCount;
@synthesize timeFormat;

- (void) dealloc
    [log release];
    log = nil;

    [super dealloc];

- (UInt32) readDWord
    UInt32 value = 0;
    [data getBytes:&value range:NSMakeRange(offset, sizeof(value))];
    value = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(value);
    offset += sizeof(value);
    return value;

- (UInt16) readWord
    UInt16 value = 0;
    [data getBytes:&value range:NSMakeRange(offset, sizeof(value))];
    value = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(value);
    offset += sizeof(value);
    return value;

- (UInt8) readByte
    UInt8 value = 0;
    [data getBytes:&value range:NSMakeRange(offset, sizeof(value))];
    offset += sizeof(value);
    return value;

- (UInt8) readByteAtRelativeOffset: (UInt32) o
    UInt8 value = 0;
    [data getBytes:&value range:NSMakeRange(offset + o, sizeof(value))];
    return value;

- (UInt32) readVariableValue
    UInt32 value = 0;

    UInt8 byte;
    UInt8 shift = 0;
        value <<= shift;
        [data getBytes:&byte range:NSMakeRange(offset, 1)];
        value |= (byte & 0x7f);
        shift = 7;
    } while ((byte & 0x80) != 0);

    return value;

- (NSString *) readString: (int) length
    char *buffer = malloc(length + 1);
    memcpy(buffer, ([data bytes] + offset), length);
    buffer[length] = 0x0;
    NSString *string = [NSString stringWithCString:buffer encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    return string;

- (void) readMetaSequence
    UInt32 sequenceNumber = 0;
    sequenceNumber |= [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:0];
    sequenceNumber <<= 8;
    sequenceNumber |= [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:1];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Sequence Number: %d\n", sequenceNumber];

- (void) readMetaTextEvent: (UInt32) length
    NSString *text = [self readString:length];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Text: %@\n", text];

- (void) readMetaCopyrightNotice: (UInt32) length
    NSString *text = [self readString:length];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Copyright: %@\n", text];

- (void) readMetaTrackName: (UInt32) length
    NSString *text = [self readString:length];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Track Name: %@\n", text];

- (void) readMetaInstrumentName: (UInt32) length
    NSString *text = [self readString:length];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Instrument Name: %@\n", text];

- (void) readMetaLyrics: (UInt32) length
    NSString *text = [self readString:length];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Text: %@\n", text];

- (void) readMetaMarker: (UInt32) length
    NSString *text = [self readString:length];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Marker: %@\n", text];    

- (void) readMetaCuePoint: (UInt32) length
    NSString *text = [self readString:length];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Cue Point: %@\n", text];    

- (void) readMetaChannelPrefix
    UInt8 channel = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:0];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Channel Prefix: %d\n", channel];

- (void) readMetaEndOfTrack
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta End of Track\n"];

- (void) readMetaSetTempo
    UInt32 microPerQuarter = 0;
    microPerQuarter |= [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:0];
    microPerQuarter <<= 8;
    microPerQuarter |= [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:1];
    microPerQuarter <<= 8;
    microPerQuarter |= [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:2];

    UInt32 bpm = MICRO_PER_MINUTE / microPerQuarter;
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Set Tempo: Micro Per Quarter: %d, Beats Per Minute: %d\n", microPerQuarter, bpm];

- (void) readMetaSMPTEOffset
    UInt8 byte = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:0];
    UInt8 hour = byte & 0x1f;
    UInt8 rate = (byte & 0x60) >> 5;
    UInt8 fps = 0;
        case 0: fps = 24; break;
        case 1: fps = 25; break;
        case 2: fps = 29; break;
        case 3: fps = 30; break;
        default: fps = 0; break;
    UInt8 minutes = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:1];
    UInt8 seconds = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:2];
    UInt8 frame = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:3];
    UInt8 subframe = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:4];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta SMPTE Offset (%d): %2d:%2d:%2d:%2d:%2d\n", fps, hour, minutes, seconds, frame, subframe];

- (void) readMetaTimeSignature
    UInt8 numerator = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:0];
    UInt8 denominator = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:1];
    UInt8 metro = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:2];
    UInt8 thirty_seconds = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:3];

    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Time Signature: %d/%.0f, Metronome: %d, 32nds: %d\n", numerator, powf(2, denominator), metro, thirty_seconds];

- (void) readMetaKeySignature
    UInt8 value = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:0];
    UInt8 accidentals = value & 0x7f;
    BOOL sharps = YES;
    NSString *accidentalsType = nil;
    if((value & 0x80) != 0)
        accidentalsType = [NSString stringWithString:@"Flats"];
        sharps = NO;
        accidentalsType = [NSString stringWithString:@"Sharps"];
    UInt8 scale = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:1];
    NSString *scaleType = nil;
    if(scale == 0)
        scaleType = [NSString stringWithString:@"Major"];
        scaleType = [NSString stringWithString:@"Minor"];
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Key Signature: %d %@ Type: %@\n", accidentals, accidentalsType, scaleType];

- (void) readMetaSeqSpecific: (UInt32) length
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Event Sequencer Specific: - Length: %d\n", length];

- (void) readNoteOff: (UInt8) channel parameter1: (UInt8) p1 parameter2: (UInt8) p2
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Note Off (Channel %d): %d, Velocity: %d\n", channel, p1, p2];

- (void) readNoteOn: (UInt8) channel parameter1: (UInt8) p1 parameter2: (UInt8) p2
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Note On (Channel %d): %d, Velocity: %d\n", channel, p1, p2];

- (void) readNoteAftertouch: (UInt8) channel parameter1: (UInt8) p1 parameter2: (UInt8) p2
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Note Aftertouch (Channel %d): %d, Amount: %d\n", channel, p1, p2];

- (void) readControllerEvent: (UInt8) channel parameter1: (UInt8) p1 parameter2: (UInt8) p2
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Controller (Channel %d): %d, Value: %d\n", channel, p1, p2];

- (void) readProgramChange: (UInt8) channel parameter1: (UInt8) p1
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Program Change (Channel %d): %d\n", channel, p1];

- (void) readChannelAftertouch: (UInt8) channel parameter1: (UInt8) p1
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Channel Aftertouch (Channel %d): %d\n", channel, p1];

- (void) readPitchBend: (UInt8) channel parameter1: (UInt8) p1 parameter2: (UInt8) p2
    UInt32 value = p1;
    value <<= 8;
    value |= p2;
    [self.log appendFormat:@"Pitch Bend (Channel %d): %d\n", channel, value];

- (BOOL) parseData:(NSData *)midiData
    BOOL success = YES;
    self.log = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease];

        // Parse data
        data = midiData;
        offset = 0;

        // If size is less than header size, then abort
        NSUInteger dataLength = [data length];
        if((offset + MAIN_HEADER_SIZE) > dataLength)
            NSException *ex = [NSException exceptionWithName:kFileCorrupt 
                                                      reason:kFileCorrupt userInfo:nil];
            @throw ex;

        // Parse header
        if(memcmp([data bytes], "MThd", 4) != 0)
            NSException *ex = [NSException exceptionWithName:kFileCorrupt  
                                                      reason:kInvalidHeader userInfo:nil];
            @throw ex;
        offset += 4;

        UInt32 chunkSize = [self readDWord];
        [self.log appendFormat:@"Header Chunk Size: %d\n", chunkSize];

        // Read format
        format = [self readWord];
        [self.log appendFormat:@"Format: %d\n", format];

        // Read track count
        trackCount = [self readWord];
        [self.log appendFormat:@"Tracks: %d\n", trackCount];

        // Read time format
        UInt16 timeDivision = [self readWord];
        if((timeDivision & 0x8000) == 0)
            timeFormat = MidiTimeFormatTicksPerBeat;
            ticksPerBeat = timeDivision & 0x7fff;
            [self.log appendFormat:@"Time Format: %d Ticks Per Beat\n", ticksPerBeat];
            timeFormat = MidiTimeFormatFramesPerSecond;
            framesPerSecond = (timeDivision & 0x7f00) >> 8;
            ticksPerFrame = (timeDivision & 0xff);
            [self.log appendFormat:@"Time Division: %d Frames Per Second, %d Ticks Per Frame\n", framesPerSecond, ticksPerFrame];

        // Try to parse tracks
        UInt32 expectedTrackOffset = offset;
        for(UInt16 track = 0; track < trackCount; track++)
            if(offset != expectedTrackOffset)
                [self.log appendFormat:@"Track Offset Incorrect for Track %d - Offset: %d, Expected: %d", track, offset, expectedTrackOffset];
                offset = expectedTrackOffset;

            // Parse track header
            if(memcmp([data bytes] + offset, "MTrk", 4) != 0)
                NSException *ex = [NSException exceptionWithName:kFileCorrupt  
                                                          reason:kInvalidTrackHeader userInfo:nil];
                @throw ex;
            offset += 4;

            UInt32 trackSize = [self readDWord];
            expectedTrackOffset = offset + trackSize;
            [self.log appendFormat:@"Track %d : %d bytes\n", track, trackSize];

            UInt32 trackEnd = offset + trackSize;
            UInt32 deltaTime;
            UInt8 nextByte = 0;
            UInt8 peekByte = 0;
            while(offset < trackEnd)
                deltaTime = [self readVariableValue];
                [self.log appendFormat:@"  (%05d): ", deltaTime];

                // Peak at next byte
                peekByte = [self readByteAtRelativeOffset:0];

                // If high bit not set, then assume running status
                if((peekByte & 0x80) != 0)
                    nextByte = [self readByte];

                // Meta event
                if(nextByte == 0xFF)
                    UInt8 metaEventType = [self readByte];
                    UInt32 metaEventLength = [self readVariableValue];
                    switch (metaEventType) 
                        case META_SEQUENCE_NUMBER:
                            [self readMetaSequence];

                        case META_TEXT_EVENT:
                            [self readMetaTextEvent: metaEventLength];

                        case META_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE:
                            [self readMetaCopyrightNotice: metaEventLength];

                        case META_TRACK_NAME:
                            [self readMetaTrackName: metaEventLength];

                        case META_INSTRUMENT_NAME:
                            [self readMetaInstrumentName: metaEventLength];

                        case META_LYRICS:
                            [self readMetaLyrics: metaEventLength];

                        case META_MARKER:
                            [self readMetaMarker: metaEventLength];

                        case META_CUE_POINT:
                            [self readMetaCuePoint: metaEventLength];

                        case META_CHANNEL_PREFIX:
                            [self readMetaChannelPrefix];

                        case META_END_OF_TRACK:
                            [self readMetaEndOfTrack];

                        case META_SET_TEMPO:
                            [self readMetaSetTempo];

                        case META_SMPTE_OFFSET:
                            [self readMetaSMPTEOffset];

                        case META_TIME_SIGNATURE:
                            [self readMetaTimeSignature];

                        case META_KEY_SIGNATURE:
                            [self readMetaKeySignature];

                        case META_SEQ_SPECIFIC:
                            [self readMetaSeqSpecific: metaEventLength];

                            [self.log appendFormat:@"Meta Event Type: 0x%x, Length: %d\n", metaEventType, metaEventLength];

                    offset += metaEventLength;
                else if(nextByte == 0xf0)
                    // SysEx event
                    UInt32 sysExDataLength = [self readVariableValue];
                    [self.log appendFormat:@"SysEx Event - Length: %d\n", sysExDataLength];
                    offset += sysExDataLength;
                    // Channel event
                    UInt8 eventType = (nextByte & 0xF0) >> 4;
                    UInt8 channel = (nextByte & 0xF);
                    UInt8 p1 = 0;
                    UInt8 p2 = 0;

                    switch (eventType) 
                        case CHANNEL_NOTE_OFF:
                            p1 = [self readByte];
                            p2 = [self readByte];
                            [self readNoteOff: channel parameter1: p1 parameter2: p2];

                        case CHANNEL_NOTE_ON:
                            p1 = [self readByte];
                            p2 = [self readByte];
                            [self readNoteOn:channel parameter1:p1 parameter2:p2];

                        case CHANNEL_NOTE_AFTERTOUCH:
                            p1 = [self readByte];
                            p2 = [self readByte];
                            [self readNoteAftertouch:channel parameter1:p1 parameter2:p2];

                        case CHANNEL_CONTROLLER:
                            p1 = [self readByte];
                            p2 = [self readByte];
                            [self readControllerEvent:channel parameter1:p1 parameter2:p2];

                        case CHANNEL_PROGRAM_CHANGE:
                            p1 = [self readByte];
                            [self readProgramChange:channel parameter1:p1];

                        case CHANNEL_AFTERTOUCH:
                            p1 = [self readByte];
                            [self readChannelAftertouch:channel parameter1:p1];

                        case CHANNEL_PITCH_BEND:
                            p1 = [self readByte];
                            p2 = [self readByte];
                            [self readPitchBend:channel parameter1:p1 parameter2:p2];



    @catch (NSException *exception) 
        success = NO;
        [self.log appendString:[exception reason]];

    return success;

4 голосов
/ 19 июня 2012

Просто прочитайте MIDI-файл в MusicSequence.

Этот код взят из примера PlaySequence в Apple Docs.http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#samplecode/PlaySequence/Listings/main_cpp.html

Посмотрите на MusicPlayer и MusicTrack тоже.

OSStatus LoadSMF(const char *filename, MusicSequence& sequence, MusicSequenceLoadFlags loadFlags)
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    CFURLRef url = NULL;

    ca_require_noerr (result = NewMusicSequence(&sequence), home);

    url = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*)filename, strlen(filename), false);

    ca_require_noerr (result = MusicSequenceFileLoad (sequence, url, 0, loadFlags), home);

    if (url) CFRelease(url);
    return result;
4 голосов
/ 24 сентября 2011

Не похоже, что существуют какие-либо основные структуры, помогающие в чтении MIDI-файлов, поэтому вам лучше всего катиться самостоятельно.Вот несколько ресурсов, с которых можно начать:

0 голосов
/ 17 марта 2015

Я знаю, что это старый разговор, но он все еще встречается в поисках.Парсер файлов MIDI, который я написал как часть моего пакета утилит MIDI , должен работать практически на любой платформе с компилятором C, включая iOS.
