, как вы можете видеть в этом примере:
вы просто создаете HTML-шаблоны, назначаете их объекту json и передаете их в функцию комментариев gigya как частьпараметры:
var templates = {
commentBox: '<span style="color:blue;">This is the Login Canvas: </span><br>$loginCanvas<br><br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Close Icon: </span>$closeIcon<br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Add Comment text box: </span>$addComment',
comment:'Hello!<br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the username: </span>$username<br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Photo Div: </span>$photoDiv<br><br><br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Date String: </span>$dateString<br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Comment Body: </span>$body<br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Replies Count: </span>$repliesCountPlaceholder<br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Reply Button: </span>$replyButton<br><br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Flagging option: </span>$flag<br>' +
'<span style="color:blue;">This is the Voting option: </span>$vote<br><br>',
loginCanvas_loggedIn: '<span style="color:blue;">Login Canvas - Logged in state! </span><br>$photoDiv<br>$username<br>$logoutLink',
loginCanvas_loggedIn_guest: '<span style="color:blue;">Login Canvas - Guest user state! </span><br>$photoDiv<br>$username<br>$logoutLink',
loginCanvas_loggedOut: '<span style="color:blue;">Login Canvas - Logged Out state!<br></span>$photoDiv<br>$loginDropdown<br>$guestDropdown'
var params =
// Required parameters:
categoryID: 7623701,
containerID: 'commentsDiv',
// Optional parameters:
templates: templates,
streamID: 'foo6',
cid: ''
// Load the Comments Plugin